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Final FTA Newsletter – Thank you for 10 incredible years together! (Vol. 5, Issue 6)

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FTA communications

Welcome to the Final FTA newsletter!

As we close FTA's 10 years as a CGIAR research program, let's look back at achievements, reflect on lessons learned and look into the future.

FTA is a research for development program, one of the most complex endeavours around. It's about generating knowledge, applying it for development, and learning from that, generating new knowledge from implementation.

Together with our partners, FTA has worked in 74 countries to provide innovative research, technical solutions, training and policy support, to leverage the role of trees and forests to enhance smallholder livelihoods, drive sustainable value chains, safeguard biodiversity, improve food security and nutrition, restore landscapes, fight climate change and help adapt to it.

FTA represented a collective research and development investment of about USD 850M over a decade. What is left after 10 years goes way beyond the close to 6000 publications (from scientific articles, technical, to policy reports, many of global importance, most open access, all searchable here. FTA has also contributed to change lives and to change the planet. How to assess this impact is trickier than counting publications. But it is by no means less important.

This is why, two years ago, FTA started a major exercise to assess its contributions and impacts on five key challenges, for our planet and for people. This process brought together the Independent Steering Committee of FTA, impact assessment experts, FTA scientists and partners to (i) design an original, workable approach and operational method to credibly assess impacts at scale for the whole FTA program, since 2011; (ii) deploy the method against five development challenges FTA was expected to address; (iii) learn lessons from the exercise.

FTA is now publishing these 5 integrative impact studies, together with a synthesis (forthcoming). They show tremendous impacts that major clusters of work FTA did achieve, over the years, and under respectively conservative to optimistic hypothesis:

  • Brought between 2–35 million ha of land under restoration.
  • Brought 26–133 million ha of forests under enhanced protection. This represents up to 125 Gt of sequestered carbon dioxide.
  • Brought 60–204 million ha of land under better management via improved policy, monitoring and management practices.
  • Provided between 5–19 million people with better means to exit poverty.
  • Provided 1–3 million people with additional means to improve food and nutritional security.

You can find out more both on the method and on the full studies on this page.

A key lesson from these studies is that, to ensure long-term impact and scalability, it is necessary to work across the research-from-development continuum, at many levels, with Theories of Change bringing technical, social and institutional innovations together with policy-oriented work. You will find the major achievements over a decade within the 18 volumes of the FTA Highlights series, which is a legacy for the future.


Providing evidence-based solutions for stakeholders, farm and forest sector actors, experts and policy makers, and co-generating these with them, was our "bread and butter". But the role of trees and forest go beyond our sectors. Forests and trees are of everybody's concern on this planet. This is why we also sought to reach the broader public though our news pieces, interviews, newsletters and communication campaigns: they are all available here. For example, check out our latest "From Tree to Fork" campaign and our just-launched partnership with Google Arts & Culture to promote the roles of trees!

As we are closing the program as a CGIAR CRP, we measure the change FTA – humbly – contributed to the world. Sometimes, development progress is slow to perceive, but it's quite striking when you look back 10 years behind. It is the same with partnership. Since 2011, a real partnership has formed, bringing together people and institutions. At the "final" event of FTA, on 9 December 2021, Anne-Marie Izac Chairperson of the Independent Steering Committee of FTA reminded us that partnerships are the very "raison-d'être" of the program. And Robert Nasi, Director General of the Center for International Forestry Research and Managing Director of CIFOR-ICRAF, and Director of the first phase of FTA stated "there is a demand like never before, much more work to do […] and we have a tremendous set of partners. I see no reason why we should stop here."

As FTA partners now look into the future, they also look at widening the partnership and giving it a renewed impetus. There is so much that trees, forests and agroforestry can bring to the agenda to 2030.

On behalf of all the scientists of FTA, the Management Team and Independent Steering Committee, I thank you for your attention during all these years. We wish you, family and friends a joyful end of 2021, and all best wishes for the year to come.

Special feature

New partnership with Google Arts & Culture brings more visibility to trees

imagethumb.jpgForests and trees are allies in the fight to achieve the U.N. Sustainable Development Goals, but it is not always easy to see their contributions to livelihoods, ecosystems, food security and nutrition. On Dec. 9, FTA launched its partnership with Google Arts & Culture to bring audiences eight visually-engaging exhibits for forests, trees and agroforestry. The prestigious collaboration makes 10 years of forest-based research and impact more accessible to global audiences Read more.


FTA Final Event

imagethumb.jpgThe “final” FTA event on Dec. 9 culminated 10 impactful years of research for development; it brought together 338 attendees from over 50 countries to hear about the partnership’s top accomplishments and lessons learned. These successes light the collective path forward into a new decade of continued research and impact. Read more.

Toward a Gender Responsive post-2020 Global Biodiversity Framework!

imagethumb.jpgIn the lead up to CBD COP 15, experts from FTA, in close collaboration with the Secretariat of the Convention on Biological Diversity, have prepared some guidance on gender and inclusion to support the finalization of the Gender Plan of Action and its implementation in the coming years. Read about this engaging brief and download the infographic!

More Volumes of the FTA Highlights Series available!

imagethumb.jpgAre you up to date with FTA’s Highlights publications? We recently released the volumes on Tree seed and seedling systems for resilience and productivity, Food Security and Nutrition and Sustainable Value Chains, Finance and Investment in Forestry and Tree Commodities. More to come in the next weeks! Our main page is always updated, bookmark it!

COVID-19 Hub Working Group 4, results!

imagethumb.jpgThe Working Group 4, coordinated by our Director Vincent Gitz, has worked to identify the impacts of COVID-19 on food systems’ fragility and to investigate priority options and solutions to improve resilience and build back better, with a particular emphasis on vulnerable groups and countries. In March 2021, it released the first world-level assessment on the impacts of COVID-19 on food security. In parallel FTA launched a “COVID-19 Rapid Research Response” to better understand and assess the main impacts of COVID-19 and of pandemic response measures across the board, aiming at developing ways to build new resilience to the unprecedented. Detailed results of these studies were presented in a special seminar on the 6th of September. This year’s work concluded with an open webinar where the findings from the studies have been presented. Material available on our WG4 page here!

Interview to Iago Hale and Prasad Hendre

imagethumb.jpgA recent study, published in Frontiers in Plant Science, explores new methods to reverse the decline of shea tree populations by improving the species through the use of genomics.

FTA spoke with two of the paper’s authors: Iago Hale, Associate Professor in Agriculture, Nutrition, and Food Systems at the University of New Hampshire and the paper’s lead author, and Prasad Hendre, a genomics scientist at World Agroforestry (ICRAF). Read this incredibly informative interview!

Asia-Pacific Roadmap Progress

imagethumb.jpgOur 2-year Asia-Pacific Roadmap is progressing towards the deliverables. On Friday, 5 November 2021, FAO and FTA co-organized a session highlighting youth perspectives on innovative forest technologies, where the first deliverable from the roadmap was launched. This event attracted over 400 attendees and was part of the GLF Climate hybrid conference, “Frontiers of Change.” Stay up to date on our progress page.

Just Launched! eLearning Course on Gender and Social Inclusion in Forest and Landscape Restoration

imagethumb.jpgTo address persisting barriers to enhancing equality and inclusion FTA has developed an open access E-learning course for stakeholders engaged in forest and landscape restoration efforts. The Gender and Inclusion in Forest Landscape Restoration eCourse aims to strengthen the skills and knowledge of FLR stakeholders about policies, approaches, and practices that strengthen integration of gender and social considerations in FLR. The goal is to help course participants find inspiration and practical guidance to contribute towards more gender-responsive FLR to generate equitable and sustainable restoration outcomes. A brochure is also available. Enroll now!

FTA Geoportal Launched!

imagethumb.jpgDiscover geospatial data resources, view mapped data maintained on web-accessible maps, combine mapped data from different live map sources from the catalogue, compare existing data and download the comparison in multiple formats (CSV, PDF or JPEG), upload your shape file data (research area), to the geoportal and review it with the existing data catalogue and baseline map… and much more! Discover the new FTA Geoportal!

2021 From Tree to Fork wrap up!

imagethumb.jpgThe From Tree to Fork campaign is wrapping up for the season, and it’s been a fruitful harvest so far. The 18 fruits and vegetables released up until now bring more visibility to the important contributions of tree foods to livelihoods, cultural traditions, food security, nutrition and more. Learn about these incredible foods!

Banner photo by O. Girard/CIFOR.

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Natural rubber and climate change: a policy paper


Wildlife management and conservation in Vietnam: From policy to practice


Lessons towards rights-responsive REDD+ safeguards from a literature review


Transformational change to reduce deforestation and climate change impacts – A review of definitions, concepts and drivers in scientific and grey literature


Cadenas de valor forestal en Moyobamba, San Martín: Oportunidades para pequeños productores


Rôle de la Table Filière Karité dans l'appui aux producteurs locaux au Burkina Faso


Insécurité et COVID-19 au Burkina Faso: Opportunités et vulnérabilités des femmes de la chaîne de valeurs du karité


Adaptive Collaborative Management in Forest Landscapes: Villagers, Bureaucrats and Civil Society


Shifting perceptions, preferences and practices in the African fruit trade: the case of African plum (Dacryodes edulis) in different cultural and urbanization contexts in Cameroon


Hiệu quả thực hiện chính sách và giải pháp quản lí và bảo tồn động vật hoang dã Nam trong bối cảnh COVID tại Việt Nam


The effectiveness of policies for addressing Covid-19 impacts on wildlife conservation in Vietnam


Community forest enterprises (CFEs) as Social Enterprises: Empirical evidence from Cameroon


The potential to propagate coconut clones through direct shoot organogenesis: A review


Enhancing synergies between gender equality and biodiversity, climate, and land degradation neutrality goals: Lessons from gender-responsive nature-based approaches

The CGIAR Research Program on Forests, Trees and Agroforestry (FTA) is the world’s largest research for development program to enhance the role of forests, trees and agroforestry in sustainable development and food security and to address climate change. CIFOR leads FTA in partnership with ICRAF, the Alliance of Bioversity International and CIAT, CATIE, CIRAD, INBAR and TBI.


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  • FTA's 5 Integrated Impact Studies

FTA’s 5 Integrated Impact Studies

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Workshop. Photo by Marlon del Aguila Guerrero/CIFOR
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FTA communications

In 2021, FTA completed a set of studies focused on documenting the progress of the program’s contribution in addressing key global challenges. Five challenges were identified together with the management team and leadership of FTA, resulting in five integrative impact studies that are relevant to many countries, actors, donors’ priorities, the Sustainable Development Goals, and the CGIAR SLOs and SRF targets.

The synthesis report of all five integrative impact studies is out now!

This document provides a synthesis of the five studies and draws lessons and recommendations for research-for-development programs.

The results of these studies demonstrate the following FTA contributions:

1. Addressing accelerating rates of deforestation and forest degradation. Overall, an estimated 25.6m ha of forests have the potential to be under enhanced protection from deforestation and forest degradation as a result of collective processes to which FTA research and engagement contributed. In addition, if FTA-informed policies are effectively implemented and enforced, there is the potential for 133.4m ha of forests to be better protected from deforestation and degradation in the countries assessed to date. Based on these estimates, between 24 Gt (low-end estimate) and 125.3 Gt (high-end estimate) of CO2 emissions may be avoided as a result of FTA’s contribution to enhanced forest protection.

2. Restoring degraded land and ecosystem services. Cumulative effects of FTA’s research and engagement contributed to placing at least 1.8 million ha under restoration, with the potential for up to 34.5 million ha to be under restoration in the future. Projected carbon sequestration effects of active planting facilitated by FTA is estimated to be from 1.4 million tons CO2 to reach the potential of 511.5 million tons of CO2 in the future.

3. Widespread Unsustainable Land Use Practices. We estimate that 59.5 million ha of landscapes are now under improved management as a result of policy mechanisms, monitoring systems, and changes in on-the-ground management and land use practices influenced by FTA. In addition, if other relevant FTA-influenced policies, action plans, and monitoring systems are effectively implemented and/or scaled in the future, a total of 204 million ha of landscapes have the potential to be better managed.

4. Persistent rural poverty with increasing levels of vulnerability. Overall, the study estimates that 5.1m people (1.3 million people directly and 3.8 million household members indirectly) have additional means to exit poverty or have increased resilience to impoverishment as a result of FTA’s contributions. This estimate includes people with increased access to inputs for tree- and agroforestry-based production; people who adopted enhanced management or diversified production practices to increase yields; people who adopted low-cost processing techniques and value-addition; people with enhanced access to formal markets and/or business and marketing skills. We project that if all individuals reached by FTA adopt FTA-promoted options and technologies into their practice, in addition to the effective implementation of FTA-influenced policies, strategies, and action plans, 19m people (5.7 million people directly and 13.3 household members indirectly) have the potential to benefit from additional means to exit poverty or reduce their vulnerability of falling into poverty.

5. Rising demand for nutritious food for both current and future generations. Overall, FTA reached over 760,000 households with additional means to improve their food security and nutritional status, with evidence of uptake of FTA innovations among one-third of these households (248,398). Evidence of significant FTA contributions to several policy-related outcomes was also found and documented.

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  • Ten Years of Forests, Trees and Agroforestry Research in Partnership for Sustainable Development (Vol. 5, Issue 5)

Ten Years of Forests, Trees and Agroforestry Research in Partnership for Sustainable Development (Vol. 5, Issue 5)

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FTA communications

Dear FTA friends and colleagues,

Today, the whole community of FTA is particularly proud to announce the launch of a unique series of publications that spotlight the achievements from a decade of FTA research, started in 2011. Reflecting the most significant work of FTA, its influence and impact across a range of issues, the volumes of the FTA Highlights of a Decade 2011-2021 series concretely show how forests, trees and agroforestry, when effectively used, managed and governed, do improve production systems, enhance food security, support livelihoods, advance equity, and address landscapes, climate change and biodiversity challenges.

The volumes of this exclusive “decadal” series touch on a range of 16 topics. The ambition of this series is, on each issue, to show the actual contributions of FTA to research and development challenges and solutions, over a decade. It features the work undertaken as part of the FTA program, by the strategic partners of FTA (CIFOR-ICRAF, The Alliance of Bioversity and CIAT, CATIE, CIRAD, Tropenbos International and INBAR), with other international and national partners. The volumes contain a wealth of data, information, on-the-ground learning and country case studies. Through the eyes of the FTA research undertaken, the series also tells the story of the issues themselves, their history and evolving narratives, in a decade that has seen many significant changes.

The full list of forthcoming volumes include:

  1. Introduction: Ten Years of Forests, Trees and Agroforestry Research in Partnership for Sustainable Development
  2. Tree Seed and Seedling Systems for Resilience and Productivity
  3. Conservation of Tree Biodiversity and Sustainable Forest Management
  4. Forest and Landscape Restoration
  5. Food Security and Nutrition
  6. Wild Meat
  7. Trees on Farms to Improve Livelihoods and the Environment
  8. Biomass, Bioenergy and Biomaterials
  9. Improving Rural Livelihoods Through Supporting Local Innovation at Scale
  10. Sustainable Value Chains and Finance
  11. REDD+: Combating Climate Change with Forest Science
  12. Adaptation to Climate Change, with Forests, Trees and Agroforestry
  13. Multi-Functional Landscapes for Sustainable Development
  14. Governing Forests, Trees and Agroforestry Landscapes for Delivering on the SDGs
  15. Advancing Gender Equality and Social Inclusion
  16. Capacity Development
  17. Monitoring, Evaluation, Learning and Impact Assessment
  18. The Way Forward

The first volumes to be launched are the FTA Highlights No.1, the Introduction (see PDF, infographic), No.4 on Forest and Landscape Restoration (see PDF, infographic 1 and infographic 2) and No.11 on REDD+ (see PDF).

We are convinced that this premium product will be very useful to a wide range of stakeholders, from practitioners to scientists and policy makers. The series shows an impressive track record built over the years, and how solid the ground is, over which to build for the years to come.

Also, mark your calendars for the 9th of December 13h00-16h00 CET, to join us in a final open digital event to celebrate 10 years of FTA research for people and the planet.


I hope to see you all at our event!

Vincent Gitz
FTA Director


Introducing the FTA Highlights

FTA's Highlight No.1 introduces the series, providing background on the rationale under which the CGIAR Research Program on Forests Trees and Agroforestry was built and illustrating the topics that will be covered by the remaining 16 volumes (plus conclusion). The volume puts forests, trees and agroforestry in a global context, linking FTA's research and activities to partners and the SDGs. It underlines people-centred approaches and illustrates the Theory of Change and Theory of Induced Change underpinning FTA's impact pathways.

Find out more   Download PDF   Download infographics

FTA Highlight No.4 – Forest and Landscape Restoration

At the same time as the Introduction, FTA is releasing the Highlight volume No.4 on Forest and Landscape Restoration (FLR). Led by CIFOR's scientist Manuel Guariguata and co-written with over 30 other principal scientists, the publication discusses FTA's work on FLR in the context of the restoration agenda, recalling key global milestones.

The document underlines FTA's contributions to the science of land and forest restoration, illustrates diverse aspects that are linked to these practices (e.g. monitoring, capacity building, technical guidelines, tools, software and apps, etc.) and the relevance of our partners' research and coordinated actions to positively influence global narratives, policy and governance. 2 infographics are also available, illustrating the 6 principles of FLR and mapping some key global FTA outputs (i.e. field based reports, country surveys, local and global synthesis reports).

Read more about the FLR Highlight   Download the PDF
Infographics – 6 Principles of FLR   Infographics – FTA's FLR reports

FTA Highlight No.11 – REDD+: Combating Climate Change with Forest Science

The third Highlight we are releasing this week is No.11 on REDD+. Tracing the path of the GCS REDD+ program, which was incorporated in the FTA research program, the volume written by principal scientists Christopher Martius and Amy Duchelle, discusses research, theory of change, results and global impacts of REDD+. Country case examples are provided and the way forward for achieving success scale. The fight against climate change needs everyone's involvement at all levels: deforestation and land degradation trends must be reversed.

Download PDF

SAVE THE DATE! Join us at the Final FTA Event!

Everyone invited! On the 9th of December, 13h00-16h00 CET, FTA will celebrate its incredible decadal journey with or final event 10 years of FTA research for people and the planet. The digital webinar is open and free to anyone, just fill in the registration form and join us!

Feel free to disseminate this among all your networks, we hope to see you all there!


The CGIAR Research Program on Forests, Trees and Agroforestry (FTA) is the world's largest research for development program to enhance the role of forests, trees and agroforestry in sustainable development and food security and to address climate change. CIFOR leads FTA in partnership with ICRAF, the Alliance of Bioversity International and CIAT, CATIE, CIRAD, INBAR and TBI.


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  • Advancing gender equality for rural women in treed landscapes: 10 years of FTA (Vol. 5, Issue 4)

Advancing gender equality for rural women in treed landscapes: 10 years of FTA (Vol. 5, Issue 4)

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FTA communications

Welcome to the October issue of the FTA Newsletter, on the occasion of the International Day of Rural Women (IDRW). This issue is special: as CGIAR research programs are coming to an end in December, this will be the last gender newsletter of the FTA program as we know it. For this reason, we asked our Gender team members to leave us with a personal statement about their experience in this decadal journey.
On the one hand, we look back at the incredible work carried out by the FTA scientific community during these 10 years. On the other hand, we look ahead to future gender research that builds on the lessons learned and achievements of the FTA program in creating more equitable, inclusive and sustainable forest, tree and agroforestry landscapes – especially for rural women.
“Working as part of the FTA Gender team has been an incredible experience. We addressed gender challenges and concerns across different geographies, tackling a broad array of resource governance issues. The achievements and learnings stemming from FTA’s work are tremendous both in terms of conceptual and methodological development. I look forward to leveraging as we continue this collaborative work despite the formal end of FTA.”
Iliana Monterroso, Scientist and Co-coordinator of Gender and Social Inclusion Research

This year’s IDRW theme focuses on the critical role of rural women in “cultivating good for all”. Women are the custodians of household food security, on the front line in fighting extreme malnutrition, poverty and hunger. They are also a huge and underrecognized agricultural labour force worldwide. Yet, systemic barriers discriminate against them and exclude them from important natural resource management and livelihood decisions.
Concerns for gender equality and social inclusion have been carefully integrated in FTA since its very beginning. In addition to conducting research specifically on gender and on women’s and men’s empowerment, FTA has mainstreamed gender throughout its research portfolio, aiming to make transformative change at multiple scales, from local to global levels. Our researchers have worked tirelessly to lift gender-based barriers at all levels, from policies and other formal institutions to social norms and unequal intra-household power relations, to support rural women’s agency.
“The knowledge, partnerships and learning gathered throughout the life of the FTA program confirm that achieving gender equality requires challenging power relations, at the household level, at the community level and within ourselves as researchers. This requires involving men and boys in efforts to empower women and working with households to acknowledge shared and conflicting interests within the home, allowing gender inequalities to be recognized as a constraint to resilience, prosperity and sustainability. FTA has contributed to understanding how a more equal world is good for trees, forests and people.”
Ana Maria Paez Valencia, Gender Specialist

“The FTA Gender cross-cutting theme has provided a rare and essential opportunity for researchers to advance with the gender questions, join critical communities of practice and try new approaches to addressing complex problems that are rooted in the imbalances across the gender spectrum. I hope to see our good work live on through the legacy of FTA gender team collaboration and synthesis research.”
Emily Jeanne Gallagher, Scientist

The partnerships and coalitions, research findings and innovations of FTA, and the change these have effected on the ground will have a long-lasting impact. The talent and resources FTA has invested in supporting the amazing energy and agency of rural women, men and all the other actors championing gender equality, set a clear pathway on which efforts to achieve gender equal and inclusive forests and agroforestry landscapes and societies can be sustained.

Many issues that FTA was designed to investigate were originally dominated by technical or biophysical views and perspectives (such as for instance climate change mitigation, forest land restoration, tree commodity production and preserving forests, and so on). On these issues, FTA has pushed the cursor of policies and approaches to make them more “people-centred”, and especially also more inclusive and more equitable towards women. As we will show in the soon to come series on “FTA Highlights of a Decade”, this has contributed to effectively changing narratives, and to concrete progress on the ground.

We hope that the achievements of FTA’s dedicated scientific community in this area will continue to inspire gender specialists working in tree, forest and agroforestry landscapes for a better world.

Vincent Gitz, FTA Director and Marlène Elias, FTA Gender Research Coordinator

Special feature

A feminist approach to restoration – Interview with Marlène Elias

imagethumb.jpgIn a special issue of Ecological Restoration titled “Restoration for whom, by whom: Exploring the socio-political dimensions of restoration”, scientists make the case for exploring these dimensions through the lens of feminist political ecology. We spoke with Marlène Elias, FTA’s Coordinator of Gender Equality and Social Inclusion who was co-guest editor of the special issue. Read more.


Gender-transformative pathways in the regreening landscapes of Ghana

imagethumb.jpgAs part of Regreening Africa’s effort to meaningfully integrate gender issues, an innovative study was set up to determine whether taking an explicitly gender-transformative approach to land restoration in Ghana would not only foster changes in harmful gender norms and attitudes but also contribute to desirable environmental outcomes. Read more about it here!

From Tree to Fork is growing!

imagethumb.jpgMore foods from trees are being added weekly to our FTA campaign on fruits and vegetables, accompanied by incredibly beautiful infographics. The campaign has also been launched in Spanish. Stay updated with our weekly entries, visit the dedicated website!

The rise and fall of rubber: effects on women and livelihoods

imagethumb.jpgRubber expansion and decline have major implications for Chinese farmers, particularly women, and their livelihoods. In this feature, we examine the impact on women in Xishuangbanna, China’s ‘rubber heartland’. Read more.

Transforming gender norms in land and resource rights

imagethumb.jpgA new research project between a consortium of CGIAR Centres and the International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD) will generate evidence on the potential contribution of different kinds of gender transformative approaches for achieving more equitable and fairer outcomes for men and women in accessing and controlling land and its resources. Read about it!

Shaping a future that ensures women are at the center of the Ghana shea trade

imagethumb.jpgSix villages in Ghana faced with resource, soil and land use changes participated in social learning-oriented activities to explore customary systems of land and tree tenure and women’s access to resources. More about this learning experience.

Food Systems Summit reveals challenges of transforming global food production

imagethumb.jpgGovernments, companies and other organizations offered more than 200 commitments at the world’s first food systems summit aimed at addressing unequal access to food in a more sustainable, healthier and equitable way. Read about the UNFSS.

Banner photo by O. Girard/CIFOR. News photos, from top, by: Ana Maria Paez Valencia/ICRAF; ICRAF; Aulia Erlangga/CIFOR; Axel Fassio/CIFOR; Giulio Napolitano/UN Photo.

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Women's Changing Opportunities and Aspirations Amid Male Outmigration: Insights from Makueni County, Kenya


Onto the Farm, into the Home: How Intrahousehold Gender Dynamics Shape Land Restoration in Eastern Kenya


Disciplines, Sectors, Motivations and Power Relations in Forest Landscape Restoration


Exploring Gender Equity in Ecological Restoration: The Case of a Market-Based Program in Kenya


Equitable and Inclusive Landscape Restoration Planning: Learning from a Restoration Opportunity Assessment in India


Restoration of Urban Water Commons: Navigating Social-Ecological Fault Lines and Inequities


Enhancing synergies between gender equality and biodiversity, climate, and land degradation neutrality goals: Lessons from gender-responsive nature-based approaches


Améliorer les droits et les vies des femmes grâce à une restauration équitable entre les sexes


Ten people-centered rules for socially sustainable ecosystem restoration


Restoration for Whom, by Whom? A Feminist Political Ecology of Restoration


Three Approaches to Restoration and Their Implications for Social Inclusion


Implementation of gender responsive research in development projects


Gender and Ethnicity in Vietnam Agroforestry Landscapes: Lessons for Project Implementation


What Is the Evidence Base Linking Gender with Access to Forests and Use of Forest Resources for Food Security in Low- and Middle-Income Countries? A Systematic Evidence Map


Mainstreaming gender in REDD+ policies and projects in 17 countries

The CGIAR Research Program on Forests, Trees and Agroforestry (FTA) is the world’s largest research for development program to enhance the role of forests, trees and agroforestry in sustainable development and food security and to address climate change. CIFOR leads FTA in partnership with ICRAF, the Alliance of Bioversity International and CIAT, CATIE, CIRAD, INBAR and TBI.


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  • Celebrating the fundamental role of trees for food security and nutrition (Vol. 5, Issue 3)

Celebrating the fundamental role of trees for food security and nutrition (Vol. 5, Issue 3)

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FTA communications

More than 2 billion people suffer from micronutrient deficiencies. Fruits and vegetables can go a long way to address them as well as to reduce the current epidemic of overweight and obesity. However in most countries of the world consumption does not meet the FAO/WHO recommended 400 g per person per day, according to a recent FTA brief. Such shortages can lead to malnutrition and food insecurity. This year, which marks the International Year of Fruits and Vegetables (IYFV2021) and the start of the UN Decade on Ecosystem Restoration, is a perfect time to reflect on how conserving and promoting food tree species has the potential to boost nutritional security, support local livelihoods, promote more sustainable agriculture and preserve valuable ecosystem services.

FTA is actively engaging with the global community to highlight these critical benefits of trees and forests. For example, last February our FP1 Leader, Ramni Jamnadass, spoke at an event hosted by the UN Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) on the experiences and challenges of conserving fruit tree species and sharing genetic resources to make future food systems more resilient.

At the UN Food Systems Pre-Summit last month, FTA’s FP2 Leader, Fergus Sinclair, issued a keynote titled “How agroecology can guide the UNFSS” within the “Strengthening food systems transformation through agroecology” session. The event discussed the new “Coalition on food systems transformation through agroecology/regenerative agriculture,” through which members aim to implement the policy recommendations that were adopted during the Committee on World Food Security (CFS48). FTA’s scientists Amy Ickowitz and Stepha McMullin also hosted a session that centered on the importance of healthy forests and trees for tomorrow’s agricultural and farming systems.

Just one month before, between 22-24 June, the FTA Kunming Conference brought together almost 400 participants to look at concrete options for implementing the Convention on Biological Diversity's (CBD COP15) post 2020 agenda. The international hybrid event especially focused on trees’ potential contributions to a green circular economy and to healthy, diversified diets. Together with the Kunming Institute of Botany, Chinese Academy of Science (CAS), the Research Institute for Resource Insects and the Chinese Academy of Forestry (CAF), the event produced 12 core recommendations for governments, policymakers and private actors.

In June, FTA was also instrumental in launching the Agroecology Transformative Partnership Platform (TPP) during the annual Committee on World Food Security (CFS48). As one of the funding partners, FTA also facilitated the TPP’s Policies for Agroecology event on July 15, which brought together 20 speakers and more than 570 participants from over 50 countries to discuss the policy gaps standing in the way of agroecological transitions that work with nature. Videos from both events can be fully replayed online (see further down the newsletter).

As the year leads into other milestone events such as the UNFSS in September, CBD COP15 in Kunming (China) in October and the UNFCC Conference of Parties (COP26) in Glasgow (United Kingdom) in November, FTA will strengthen its commitment to advocate for trees and forests. We believe that trees are essential to mitigate and adapt to climate change. They also promote biodiversity and can aid in the transition toward sustainable and healthy global food systems in harmony with nature.

For this reason, FTA is now launching “From Tree to Fork,” a communication campaign to raise awareness about some of the most unrecognized and underappreciated fruits and vegetables that come from trees. These foods can furnish important nutrients to local and indigenous diets and play a vital role in improving livelihoods through agroforestry systems or other tree products that generate income. Promoting native fruits and vegetables, including those highlighted in the “From Tree to Fork” campaign, is also important to maintain crop genetic diversity and conserve ecosystems.

We are only at mid-year, and there is much more to look forward to as we celebrate the vital role that forests, trees and agroforestry play for FSN and for human health. Let’s take a moment to appreciate the fruits and vegetables we eat (and those we have never tasted, but should!) and to envision a global food system that is more sustainable, inclusive and biodiverse.

Keep reading to learn more about our recent achievements — we hope to see you at future events this year!

Vincent Gitz
FTA Director

Special feature

From Tree To Fork

imagethumb.jpgDid you know that the fruit from the Baobab tree (Adansonia digitata L.) can contain up to six times more vitamin C than the same serving size of oranges and twice as much calcium as milk? Or that tamarind fruits are rich in protein and antioxidants, containing 40 percent more protein than the same serving size of avocado?

FTA’s just-launched “From Tree to Fork” campaign is a fun, informative and colourful way to learn about some of the most undervalued fruits and vegetables that come from trees. Many of the species that will be highlighted over the coming weeks provide essential nutrition, dietary diversity, medicine and sources of income to people everywhere, yet they are rarely found in Western markets. When sustainably managed in agroforestry systems, increasing evidence shows that food trees are also primary engines of sustainable agricultural transformation, limiting deforestation while enriching the soil and generating valuable crops and wood products.

As we celebrate the International Year of Fruits and Vegetables (IYFV) and the U.N. Decade on Ecosystem Restoration, we invite you to join us in recognizing the first ‘superfruit’ of the campaign: Baobab (Adansonia digitata)

Stay tuned for more nutritious fruits!


FTA Kunming Conference – Results

imagethumb.jpgOn 22–24 June 2021, FTA organized the FTA Kunming International Conference 2021, which explored the role of forests, trees and agroforestry in enhancing diverse and sustainable landscapes. Hosted both virtually and in Kunming, China in cooperation with the Kunming Institute of Botany, Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS) and the Research Institute for Resource Insects, Chinese Academy of Forestry (CAF), the event provided an extensive set of recommendations for the post-2020 global biodiversity framework, as well as the upcoming 15th Conference of Parties to the U.N. Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD COP 15), which will also be held in Kunming in October 2021. Results and all videos from the conference can be accessed now! Read more.

New FTA Brief: Contribution of forests and trees to food security and nutrition

imagethumb.jpgLast May FTA released a Policy Brief titled Contribution of forests and trees to food security and nutrition, illustrating extensively the many ways through which forests and trees play a key, yet largely unrecognized, role in sustaining food production and food security and nutrition (FSN). The aim is to facilitate the use of such knowledge to inform policy and decision making in forestry and FSN related areas, as well as actions meant to build back better in a post-pandemic world.

Did you read it?

Launch: Transformative Partnership Platform (TPP) on agroecology

imagethumb.jpgA new Agroecology TPP initiative aims to spearhead the transition to agroecological farming systems that make the most of nature’s resources without damaging or depleting them. The partnership was launched on 3 June at a side event of the 48th Plenary of the Committee on World Food Security (CFS 48). Shortly afterwards on 15 June, the Policies for Agroecology event brought together 20 speakers and over 570 participants to discuss how policies can help scale up agroecology at various levels of governance. The event was broadcast in 3 languages and can be re-played entirely (EN, FR, ES).

Read more about the TPP Launch.

Adapting to a changing climate with forests and agroforestry

imagethumb.jpgIt is widely known that forests and trees are essential in providing solutions to the ever-expanding climate crisis. A recent co-publication from FTA and the U.N. Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) titled Addressing forestry and agroforestry in national adaptation plans, provide a guideline for countries to involve forests, trees and agroforestry in their National Adaptation Plan (NAP) to deal with climate change.

Read more.

Current timber production in Brazilian forest concessions can only be sustained for 35 years (French only)

imagethumb.jpgLaunched in 2006, the forest concessions in the Brazilian Amazon aim to provide a legal framework for sustainable timber production. However, according to a new study published in June in Forest Ecology and Management, the current rate of exploitation of these areas is far from sustainable… Read more.

Updates on the Asia-Pacific Roadmap on primary forest conservation

imagethumb.jpgA further online expert workshop on primary forest conservation was organized on 23-25 March 2021 to take stock of the progress made in the development of the roadmap and prepare the next steps in the roadmap. Proceedings are now available!

Towards Natural Rubber as a Response to Climate Change – Proceedings of the workshop

imagethumb.jpgEighty-five percent of rubber, a key global commodity, is produced by smallholder farmers. As such, it has great potential to contribute to sustainable development, alleviate poverty, boost rural development, and facilitate a sustainable bioeconomy. FTA, together with the International Rubber Study Group (IRSG), the International Rubber Research and Development Board (IRRDB), the Center for International Forestry Research (CIFOR), and the French Agricultural Research Centre for International Development (CIRAD), recently published the proceedings and extended abstracts of the digital workshop on natural rubber systems and climate change organized on 23-25th June 2020.

Document and recordings from the event here.

From governments down to local realities: Sentinel communities in the Congo Basin

imagethumb.jpgAfter 10 years of research in the Congo Basin, FTA has published its third Sentinel Landscape study. Together, the scientific partners of the Central Africa Humid Tropics Transect Sentinel Landscape (CAFHUT) analyzed four sites where the pressures of urban development, population growth and forest commercialization are rapidly changing the landscape. The recommendations and policy actions emerging from studies like these could mean conserving these rainforests, which absorb 370 million metric tons of the planet’s carbon emissions every year – more than even the Amazon.

How much do you know about the Congo basin?

New methodology proposes mechanisms to support integrated landscape initiatives and make access to finance more inclusive

imagethumb.jpgTropenbos International (TBI) together with World Agroforestry (ICRAF) have developed a methodology that could make funding for integrative landscape management initiatives more inclusive. The research helps identify the key stakeholders linked to financial flows and examines their perspectives, motivations and the mechanisms they use to channel funding from investors through brokers or intermediaries to individual or recipient groups. From this methodology 2 recent case studies, one in Indonesia and another in Uganda have been released. Our partner TBI plans to publish further studies (one per month) that illustrate and make use of the methodology; all case studies are implemented by partners of FTA, with support of FTA and TBI.

Further case studies will be added to their website at this link, as they publish them. Stay updated!

Banner photo by O. Girard/CIFOR. News photos, from top, by: Austin Smith/World Agroforestry; Michael Padmanaba/CIFOR; P. Sist/CIRAD; Mokhamad Edliadi/CIFOR.

Contact us



Contribution of forests and trees to food security and nutrition


Collection and consumption of wild forest fruits in rural Zambia


Agriculture extensification and associated socio-ecological trade-offs in smallholder farming systems of Zambia


Climate change adaptation in and through agroforestry: four decades of research initiated by Peter Huxley


Embedding stakeholders' priorities into the low-emission development of the East African dairy sector


The costs of elite-oriented multi-stakeholder forums to address deforestation: the case of the Green Municipalities Program in the Brazilian Amazon


Re-integrating ecology into integrated landscape approaches


Onto the Farm, into the Home: How Intrahousehold Gender Dynamics Shape Land Restoration in Eastern Kenya


Linking food, nutrition and the environment in Indonesia: A perspective on sustainable food systems


Intégration de la foresterie et de l'agroforesterie dans les plans d'adaptation nationaux – Directives complémentaires


Establishment success of Brazil nut trees in smallholder Amazon forest restoration depends on site conditions and management


FTA Kunming 2021

ShadeMotion software improves crop yields in Latin America

Sri Lanka Bans Artificial Fertilizers and Agrochemicals, president's address


Developing smallholder-oriented integrated pest management strategies for fall armyworm (Spodoptera frugiperda Smith) management

The CGIAR Research Program on Forests, Trees and Agroforestry (FTA) is the world’s largest research for development program to enhance the role of forests, trees and agroforestry in sustainable development and food security and to address climate change. CIFOR leads FTA in partnership with ICRAF, the Alliance of Bioversity International and CIAT, CATIE, CIRAD, INBAR and TBI.


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From science to action: Process, results, impact (Vol. 5, Issue 2)

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FTA communications

Welcome to our April newsletter.

The CGIAR released its independent evaluation of FTA. This external review outlines FTA’s “high scientific productivity and strong implementation performance”, stating that the program was “likely to make significant progress toward most planned end-of-program targets,” and highlighting the “close collaboration between FTA partners, and between universities and research institutions”. According to the review, FTA’s “efficient governance, and the effective prioritization and management of resources resulted in a high level of programmatic value-added”. FTA stood out of the set of reviews of all 12 CGIAR research programs by ranking first in terms of scientific collaboration and by being in the top 3 for the number of policy innovations and for progress against programmatic outcomes. The review is available on our website. All scientists and partners involved have to be credited for this result. FTA’s Independent Steering Committee and Management Team have just issued a letter sharing their perspectives on this final report.

We recently made available all the material from FTA’s Science Conference. The fully digital event titled Forest, trees and agroforestry science for transformational change, was held from 14 to 25 September 2020 and drew more than 520 participants from 69 countries around the world. All the material is now available online: the videos of the keynote speeches, close to 200 interventions, panel debates in 26 different sessions, and posters. We hope that this wealth of information will be useful both for scientists and educators worldwide. We’re also bringing key results of the FTA science conference to stakeholders and to the general public, with a series of open webinars called “From Science to Action”. A first dialogue on Innovations to overcome barriers to access to finance for smallholders, SMEs and women was held in November 2020 and you may read the webinar report here.

Hot of the press FTA just released a Brief titled Contribution of forests and trees to food security and nutrition. This is a key area of work of FTA, and the brief reviews the latest state of research findings on the matter. Forests, trees and agroforestry play a key, often undervalued, role to support food security and nutrition (FSN). All these contributions need to be better considered by policies aiming at SDG2. Maximizing these contributions requires policy coherence and integrated landscape approaches, and conversely, agricultural policies need to better integrate the specificities of tree crops and the multiple benefits provided by the integration of trees in farming systems. The brief has been made available this week to inform discussions at the 16th session of the United Nations Forum on Forests (UNFF16), and will be also of relevance to the dialogues of the UN Food Systems Summit.

On the path to the UN Food Systems Summit, FTA proposed a set of 11 emblematic, actionable “game-changing” solutions, based on evidence and best-practice, towards sustainable food systems. FTA submitted these proposals to each of the five action tracks process, and to several UNFSS dialogues. The UN has recently released the set of 1,200 ideas collected so far and organized thematically, and we can proudly say that FTA’s proposals have been taken into account and we look forward to feeding into the next stages of UNFSS processes.

Down in this rich newsletter, you will find many other successes and stories from our partners. A lot more is coming up this year, as we bring the results of a decade of research for development by the FTA partnership to the policy arenas and to the general public.

Stay tuned for more and happy International Workers’ Day on the 1st of May!

Vincent Gitz
FTA Director

Special feature

New FTA Brief underlines links between forests and trees and food security and nutrition

imagethumb.jpgDuring the 16th session of the United Nations Forum on Forests (UNFF16), FTA released a Policy Brief titled Contribution of forests and trees to food security and nutrition. The Brief was developed by CIFOR-ICRAF, UBC, The Alliance of Bioversity International and CIAT, Penn State and the University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences in Austria.

Find out more about the largely unrecognized (often ignored or misunderstood) multiple dimensions with which forests, trees and agroforestry contribute to food security and nutrition. Download the FTA Brief.


Independent evaluation shows FTA’s progress towards targets

imagethumb.jpgIn 2020, the CGIAR Advisory Services Shared Secretariat (CAS) commissioned independent reviews of the CGIAR Research Programs (CRPs), incluing FTA. Results are now available, as well as FTA’s Independent Steering Committee and Management Team’s subsequent letter of perspectives on the review. Read more.

FTA Science Conference Website, with videos from keynotes!

imagethumb.jpgResearch findings, keynote speeches, posters and videos regarding trees, forests and agroforestry contributions to sustainable development are now available in the newly launched web-portal of our groundbreaking Science Conference held in 2020. It contains over 150 downloadable presentations (with voice-over narration from the scientists), 40 posters and further material, such as the book of abstracts submitted to the conference. We also made a playlist of the 16 incredible keynote speeches delivered during the conference. Even if you couldn’t join, you can now get the most out of it! Read more.

CATIE and CIRAD host a webinar to present results on the ecological and timber potential of secondary forests

imagethumb.jpgOn March 26th, scientists and professionals of CATIE, Cirad and SINAC (the Costa Rican National System for Conservation Areas) organized a webinar where they presented the results of the work they made on characterizing timber potential in secondary forests from national forest inventories in Costa Rica and Nicaragua. More than 140 scientists, professionals and stakeholders from relevant institutions, around the neotropics, from Mexico to Argentine attended the webinar. The results of this work are also presented in a scientific article submitted to the special issue on active restoration of secondary and degraded forest of the scientific international review Forest Ecology and Management, co-edited by Marie Ange Ngo Bieng, Plinio sist and Bryan Finegan, scientists of Cirad and CATIE. Read more.

INBAR’s new policy brief summarises how to include bamboo forestry projects in carbon markets

imagethumb.jpgA new INBAR brief explains how to develop and register bamboo forestry projects, so they can be certified by carbon markets. Aimed at project developers and government actors, the brief encourages the inclusion of bamboo forestry projects in carbon offset schemes. Download it here.

The third report from the FTA Sentinel Landscapes is out!

imagethumb.jpgLocated in Cameroon, the scientific partners of the Central Africa Humid Tropics Transect Sentinel Landscape (CAFHUT) carefully analyzed four sites where the pressures of urban development, population growth and forest commercialization are rapidly changing the landscape. The Congo Basin, with its ancient forests butting up against twenty-first century development, is the very definition of a Sentinel Landscape. The third for which the CGIAR Research program on Forests Trees and Agroforestry (FTA) has produced a report after a 10-year research, the other two being the Nicaragua-Honduras site and the Borneo site. Read the findings.

Open call for papers! Special Issue “Resilient Landscapes for Sustainable Trade and Development

imagethumb.jpgBas Louman from Tropenbos International, Sara Scherr of EcoAg Partners and Vincent Gitz, the FTA Director, have been invited as guest editors for “Resilient Landscapes for Sustainable Trade and Development”, a special issue of Land, in the section “Landscape Ecology“. The editors encourage you to submit your papers/articles. The edition will be structured in three sections: (i) Integrating resilient landscape approaches with agro-commodity value chains and development; (ii) Governance challenges and strategies for reconciling landscape resilience with trade and development; and (iii) Finance and investment challenges and emerging opportunities for mainstreaming resilience into landscapes.

Submit your papers now!

Innovations to overcome barriers to access to finance for smallholders, SMEs and women – Webinar report!

imagethumb.jpgOn the 26th of November 2020 FTA held its first webinar of the “From Science to Action” series, focused on “Innovations to overcome barriers to access to finance for smallholders, Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs), and women”. Developed in coordination with Tropenbos International, who leads the FTA Priority 17 on Innovating finance for sustainable landscapes and moderated by FTA’s Flagship 3 Leader, Michael Brady, the event convened a panel of researchers, financial experts, and government representatives, and attracted around 200 participants, to tackle innovative financial schemes for sustainable land uses with smallholder involvement. Full report of the event and YouTube recording available!

On 21 March 2021 we celebrated the International Day of Forests!

imagethumb.jpgFor this occasion we interviewed Julia Wolf (FAO) and Alexandre Meybeck (FTA), lead authors of the recently published co-publication “Addressing forestry and agroforestry in National Adaptation Plans: Supplementary guidelines”, a report that provides specific guidance for national adaptation planning in the forestry sector and that has just recently been translated in Spanish. We took the occasion to make 2 videos out of the interviews… watch them here.

Media campaign in Cameroon influences consumer buying intentions (French only)

imagethumb.jpgA new CIFOR study shows for the first time a positive correlation between a media campaign and the behavioral change from private individuals in favor purchasing timber legally. The campaign included awareness raising activities such as running a commercial on social media, radio broadcasts, radio and television advertising, distribution of leaflets to markets, public poster, among others. Read the story here (French only).

Call for contributions! Participate to a global study on the costs and benefits of restoration with TEER (The Economics of Ecosystem Restoration)

imagethumb.jpgThe Economics of Ecosystem Restoration initiative (TEER) hosted in FAO has launched a call for a global study to collect and analyze data on the costs and benefits of restoration.

To participate in the data collection process and contribute data on the costs and benefits of your restoration project, you just complete an ‘onboarding’ form to provide basic information about your project. Once completed the form please send it to before the 10th of May. Upon analysis of projects available for data collection, the TEER Secretariat will send you a detailed template to collect information on the costs of your project.

Download the form here.
More information here.

New FTA Working paper on initiatives to promote sustainable supply chains

imagethumb.jpgResearchers at CIFOR, CIRAD and WWF conducted a comprehensive review of initiatives to promote sustainable production, including recent “hybrid” initiatives that involve governments at the national or subnational levels to create a better enabling environment for the private sector. Many aspects of complex policy regimes are not yet well understood by policymakers, scientists or the public, suggests the study.

Banner photo by O. Girard/CIFOR. News photos, from top, by: Neil Palmer/CIAT; Mokhamad Edliadi/CIFOR; Tim Cronin/CIFOR; Ollivier Girard/CIFOR; FAO; Ollivier Girard/CIFOR.

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Book of Abstracts: FTA 2020 Science Conference – Forests, trees and agroforestry science for transformational change


Determining appropriate interventions to mainstream nutritious orphan crops into African food systems


Long-term (1990–2019) monitoring of forest cover changes in the humid tropics


Cómo abordar la silvicultura y la agroforestería en los Planes Nacionales de Adaptación: Directrices complementarias


Variation in aboveground biomass in forests and woodlands in Tanzania along gradients in environmental conditions and human use


The links between forests, food security & nutrition


The value of local ecological knowledge to guide tree species selection in tropical dry forest restoration


Ecosystem Services and Cost-Benefit Analysis of Natural Forests and Mixed Bamboo Systems in Peru


Getting it right, a guide to improve inclusion in multistakeholder forums


Preliminary results of assessments on the impacts of Payments for Forest Environmental Services (PFES) on forest networks and governance, household income and forest loss in Vietnam


Assessment of Bamboo Forest Ecosystem Services in Thanh Hoa Province, Viet Nam


COVID-19 Pandemic and Agroecosystem Resilience: Early Insights for Building Better Futures


Mapping tree species distribution in support of China’s integrated tree-livestock-crop system


Impact of a Media Campaign on Consumers’ Purchasing Intentions of Legal Timber in Cameroon


Litterfall seasonal dynamics and leaf-litter turnover in cocoa agroforests established on past forest lands or savannah


Ecosystem restoration in Mexico: Insights on the project planning phase


Highlights from the FTA 2020 Science Conference 14-18 | 21-25 September

2021 International Day of Forests – FAO/FTA co-publication on NAPs – Interview with A. Meybeck

2021 International Day of Forests – FAO/FTA co-publication on NAPs – Interview with Julia Wolf (FAO)

CIFOR’s toolkit to support inclusion in multi-stakeholder forums

A short guide to implementing How are we doing?


Gender matters in Forest Landscape Restoration: A framework for design and evaluation

Addressing Forestry and Agroforestry in National Adaptation Plans

Changing forests, changing diets in Papua

The CGIAR Research Program on Forests, Trees and Agroforestry (FTA) is the world’s largest research for development program to enhance the role of forests, trees and agroforestry in sustainable development and food security and to address climate change. CIFOR leads FTA in partnership with ICRAF, the Alliance of Bioversity International and CIAT, CATIE, CIRAD, INBAR and TBI.


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  • Women's effective participation to build an equal future (Vol. 5, Issue 1)

Women’s effective participation to build an equal future (Vol. 5, Issue 1)

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FTA communications

Today we celebrate the 8th of March, International Women’s Day. It is a moment reflect on the progress made and multiply our actions to achieve an ambitious vision of gender equality, critical to the well-being of humanity and the planet we inhabit. We know that despite many efforts worldwide, gender equality is still far from being a reality. This is true not only in some professional areas, geographies, or in the home, but across all areas of life globally. For instance, the recently released UN Secretary-General’s report underlines, among many other considerations, the great gender gap in public sector decision-making positions: there are currently only 22 women Heads of State or Government, and only 24.9% of national parliamentarians are women, globally. Things are even worse if we zoom into the decision-makers steering the response to the current COVID-19 pandemic. An analysis of COVID-19 task forces from 87 countries revealed that only 3.5% of these had gender parity; a particularly stark reality considering that women represent at least 70% of the workforce in the health sector.

The imbalance is not only unjust towards women, but it has repercussions on everyone, leaving Governments unable to respond adequately and holistically to global challenges. Unequal decisional power translates in decisions that are less inclusive and relevant to the needs and interests of some segments of society, and thereby in worse societal outcomes. One needs not only think about COVID-19, similar considerations apply decision-making pertaining to climate change, biodiversity loss, sustainable development, education, conflict resolutions, ethics, and so on. This is why this year’s IDW theme “Women in leadership: Achieving an equal future in a COVID-19 world,” focuses on the critical need of supporting women’s right to decision-making and having women leaders, while also honoring the fundamental role of women and girls all over the world in shaping a more equal future; contributions often made from disadvantaged situations.

Social structures that shape asymmetric gender dynamics have been a focus of FTA’s research since the program’s inception. When drafting its renewed Gender Action Plan in 2019, FTA reinstated equal participation as one of its key focus research areas. A recent news article also recalls how FTA contributed to make two UN processes more gender-responsive. In the FTA 2020 Science Conference, one of the technical workstreams dealt with inclusive governance for sustainable landscapes, concentrating discussions on decision-making at the intersection of policy and practice, together with the institutions that support or obstruct inclusion, transparency and accountability in decision-making processes. FTA also substantially re-oriented its work on sustainable value chains to focus on social inclusion and especially gender issues, as testified in the value-chains, finance and investment session of the FTA conference. It was an occasion to highlight the significant research FTA is conducting in this domain, which surfaces pressing challenges as well as possible solutions and strategies to address them.

Unequal gender norms and social structures limit women’s genuine participation and influence, and lead to their overall underrepresentation, in landscape and value chains governance. As we’ve emphasized in a previous newsletter, the COVID-19 crisis has brought a double burden on forest-dependent and rural women, who need to fight on two fronts: they are the first exposed to the socio-economic repercussion of the COVID-19 response and at the same time expected to lead the charge in enhancing their households’ and communities’ resilience.

As a research program, it is our role to investigate and contribute to the strong evidence that women’s equal and effective participation is a key to unlocking solutions to the many environmental and socio-economic crisis humanity faces, and to advance sustainable development and embed justice into the fabric of our societies. For all and for women, let’s use this moment of crisis not to “build back better” but to “build forward better”.

Vincent Gitz, FTA Director and Marlène Elias, FTA Gender coordinator

Special feature

Inclusive governance for sustainable landscapes – all material from the FTA 2020 Science Conference now available!

imagethumb.jpgFrom 14 to 25 September 2020, FTA ran its fully digital decadal conference, titled “Forest, trees and agroforestry science for transformational change”. It drew more than 520 participants from 69 countries around the world, featuring close to 200 interventions from scientists involved in the FTA program. One of the 6 technical workstreams of the conference, one focused on inclusive governance for sustainable landscapes, with 3 sessions:

  1. Participatory processes in landscape governance and management
  2. Land and forest tenure: implications for sustainable management and inclusion
  3. Landscape and jurisdictional approaches for governance and sustainability

See all workstream contributions and keynote here.


FTA research and engagement inform biodiversity and climate change policies

imagethumb.jpgFTA scientists are collaborating with a network of organizations that have been pushing for more gender-responsive policies for years. Among this constellation of actors, the role of FTA scientists is to bring empirical evidence to the table. Read how FTA influenced some key policy processes.

11 February was International Day of Women & Girls in Science

imagethumb.jpgThis year’s international day of women and girls in science (11 February 2021) focused on the role of women scientists at the forefront of the fight against COVID-19. FTA acknowledges both the important role of women in the fight against the pandemic and their critical contributions to building forward better, increasing resilience of agricultural systems. FTA had a chat with two of our women scientists, Houria Djoudi and Pamela Tabi, who shared their inspiring stories and wisdom! Read more.

Structuring climate finance to benefit women and alleviate poverty

imagethumb.jpgScientists with the Center for International Forestry Research (CIFOR) have studied five national financing mechanisms in Indonesia to learn more about the way they incorporate gender inclusiveness. Read more.

Addressing gender in forests and climate change actions

imagethumb.jpgThe importance of women’s participation in successful climate action initiatives and the sustainable management of forest resources has been proven many times. Recent work by the Center for International Forestry Research (CIFOR), the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), and others demonstrate strong evidence of the positive effects of women’s inclusion in forest management groups on both governance and conservation outcomes. Find out how.

New guide aims to accelerate forest tenure pathways to gender equality

imagethumb.jpgForest tenure reform in the global south has often failed to be gender-responsive, but there is a growing call to take up this challenge to activate effective change. A new guide created by scientists with the Center for International Forestry Research (CIFOR) aims to make the process more accessible. The guide recommends a three-step process, billed as “analyze, strategize, and realize,” to support interventions in local and national contexts. Read more.

Banner photo by O. Girard/CIFOR. News photos, from top, by: Amanda Voisard/UN Women; Arnauld Chyngwa/CIFOR; Aulia Erlangga/CIFOR; Icaro Cooke Vieira/CIFOR; Mokhamad Edliadi/CIFOR.

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Making climate finance work for women and the poor: Insights from national climate finance mechanisms in Indonesia


Leveraging climate finance for gender equality and poverty reduction: A comparative study


Forest tenure pathways to gender equality: A practitioner’s guide


Understanding gender dynamics in the context of rural transformation processes: An East Kalimantan case study



Enhancing women’s rights and lives through gender-equitable restoration in Burkina Faso


Gender-responsive project implementation within the Resilient Food Systems Programme


Fit for purpose? A review of guides for gender-equitable value chain development


Embodied engagement with gender and agrobiodiversity: Leveraging transformative moments in multidisciplinary teams


Climate finance and gender on the ground: Insights from mitigation and adaptation interventions in Indonesia


Confronting climate change with gender inclusive financing

The CGIAR Research Program on Forests, Trees and Agroforestry (FTA) is the world’s largest research for development program to enhance the role of forests, trees and agroforestry in sustainable development and food security and to address climate change. CIFOR leads FTA in partnership with ICRAF, the Alliance of Bioversity International and CIAT, CATIE, CIRAD, INBAR and TBI.


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Asia-Pacific Roadmap – Materials

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FTA communications

Presentations from the Final Validation Online Expert Workshop (23-24 November 2021)

Full report from the workshop can be accessed here

Day 1

  1. James Roshetko – Innovative Technologies, Main Findings
  2. James Roshetko – Innovative Technologies, Recommendations

Day 2

  1. Yves Laumonier – Primary Forests in Asia and the Pacific: Diversity, Status, Trends and Threats
  2. Alexandre Meybeck – Towards a Roadmap for Primary Forest Conservation

Presentations from the Online Expert Workshop (23-25 March 2021)

Full report from the workshop can be accessed here


  1. Yves Laumonier, Principal scientist at the Center for International Forestry Research (CIFOR): Primary forests in the Asia-Pacific region: status, extent and diversity.

Keynote address:

  1. Anne Branthomme, FAO, Global Forest Resources Assessment (FRA): Towards improved global reporting on primary forests.

Expert presentations:

  1. Li Diqiang, Institute of Forest Ecology, Environment and Protection, the Chinese Academy of Forestry: The diversity, extent and status of primary forests in China and their importance for biodiversity conservation.
  2. Ate Poortinga, Senior scientist for the Servir-Mekong Project, Thailand will give a presentation entitled: Mapping forest disturbances using Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) and Artificial Intelligence (AI).
  3. Rajan Kotru, Lead Strategist Trestle Management Advisors & Fellow of the International Centre for Integrated Mountain Development (ICIMOD): Diversity, extent and status of primary forests in India.
  4. Jalesi Mateboto, Land Resources Division, Pacific Community (SPC): Diversity, extent and status of primary forests in the Pacific Island countries.

Session 2. Increasing pressures on primary forests

Expert presentations:

  1. Nguyen Manh Hiep, Vietnam Administration of Forestry: Natural forest in Viet Nam.
  2. Lilik Budi Prasetyo, Professor at the Division of environmental analysis and geospatial modelling, Faculty of Forestry and Environment, IPB University, Indonesia: Disturbance of forest ecosystem in Indonesia.
  3. Jennica Masigan, Center for Conservation Innovations Ph Inc., the Philippines: Extent of forest cover change in West Mt. Bulanjao and Puerto Princesa Subterranean River National Park, Palawan.

Introduction to breakout group discussions:

  1. Yves Laumonier, Principal scientist at the Center for International Forestry Research (CIFOR): Typology of the main threats facing different forest types.

Session 3. Priority areas for primary forest conservation


  1. Yves Laumonier, Principal scientist at the Center for International Forestry Research (CIFOR): Assessment of priority areas for primary forest conservation in the Asia-Pacific region.

Expert presentations:

  1. Edward Game, Lead Scientist for the Asia Pacific Region in The Nature Conservancy: The Nature Conservancy.
  2. Kasturi Devi Kanniah, from the TropicalMap Research Group, Centre for Environmental Sustainability and Water Security, Faculty of Built Environment and Surveying, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia: Geospatial technology for identifying and mapping priority areas of primary forest for conservation in Malaysia.
  3. Riina Jalonen, Alliance of Bioversity International and CIAT: Conservation priorities for native Asian tree species from a multi-threat assessment.

Session 4. Primary forests: governance tools in the Asia-Pacific region


  1. Alexandre Meybeck, special advisor at CIFOR/FTA: What governance for primary forests’ conservation in Asia-Pacific?

Keynote address:

  1. Ryosuke Ujihashi, Forestry Agency of Japan: Initiatives in biological diversity conservation of national forest in Japan.

Expert presentations:

  1. Vongvilay Vongkhamsao, Director of the Forestry Research Centre, National Agriculture and Forestry Research Institute (NAFRI), Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry (MAF): Policies and directions for primary forest conservation in Lao PDR.
  2. Ricardo Calderon, Executive Director of the Asian Forest Cooperation Organization (AFoCO): Role of AFoCO to support primary forest conservation in Asia.
  3. Tetra Yanuariadi, International Tropical Timber Organization (ITTO): Sustaining tropical timber trade: ITTO’s roles in preventing illegal logging and supporting primary forest conservation in Asia and the Pacific.

Conclusion of Day 2:

Keynote address:

  1. Robert Nasi, Director General of the Center for International Forestry Research (CIFOR): Asia-Pacific roadmap on primary forest conservation: food for thoughts.

Presentations from the Online Expert Workshop (Nov 30th, Dec 1st and Dec 3rd 2020)

Full report from the workshop can be accessed here

  1. James Roshetko, ICRAF/FTA, Indonesia: Introduction to Day 1
  2. Junqi Wu, Director of Communications, International Bamboo and Rattan Organization (INBAR), China: Harmonized system code for monitoring international trade of bamboo and rattan
  3. Tony Page, Tropical Forests and People Research Centre, Forest Research Institute, University of the Sunshine Coast, Queensland, Australia: Development and deployment of teak germplasm in Papua New Guinea [pdf]
  4. Jalaluddin Harun, former Director General of Malaysian Timber Industry Board (MTIB) and Fellow of the Academy of Sciences Malaysia (ASM): Rubberwood – Valuable source of plantation grown timber for high value-added products in Malaysia
  5. Bas Louman, Programme coordinator, Tropenbos International, the Netherlands: Innovative finance for forestry
  6. Dr Vu Tan Phuong, Deputy Director in Charge of international cooperation, Academy of Forest Sciences, Vietnam: Forest technologies application in Vietnam
  7. Wu Shengfu, National Forest Products Industry Association, China: Innovative practices in the woodworking industry in China
  8. Oliver Coroza, Center for Conservation Innovations Ph, the Philippines: Geospatial solutions to conservation
  9. James Roshetko, ICRAF/FTA, Indonesia: Introduction to Day 2
  10. Lok Mani Sapkota, RECOFTC, Nepal: Social innovations in community forestry: an application and success case from Nepal
  11. Andrew Lowe, University of Adelaide, Australia: Using DNA to identify illegal and conflict timber in global supply chains
  12. Lobzang Dorji, Director of the Department of Forest and Park Services, Ministry of Agriculture and Forests, Bhutan: Use of innovative technologies in sustainable forest management in Bhutan
  13. James Roshetko, ICRAF/FTA, Indonesia: Introduction to Day 3

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  • Building back better: the fundamental need to prioritize rural women (Vol. 4, Issue 4)

Building back better: the fundamental need to prioritize rural women (Vol. 4, Issue 4)

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Originally dubbed as the “biodiversity super-year”, 2020 will unfortunately be remembered for something quite different: the outbreak of COVID-19. In addition to the tragic loss of human life and the unleashing of an economic recession, one of the pandemic’s immediate and distressing effects has been to exacerbate inequalities. Women, and especially rural women, who lack the resources and safety nets needed to buffer shocks, have been comparatively extremely hard hit by the pandemic and its response.

In many world regions, rural men and women, compared to urban populations, live far away from quality healthcare structures as well as basic infrastructure, including water and sanitation and essential medicines. But then, compared to rural men, gender norms and institutions further hinder rural women’s mobility and access to public health resources, information and services. Studies have shown that rural women are taking on an even greater share of care work as a consequence of the pandemic, that they are experiencing an increase in domestic violence, and that they are more likely than men to lose their jobs or source of employment. Simply put, despite the fact that COVID-19 seems to be more fatal for men than women, rural women are disproportionately impacted by COVID-19 and the consequences of the sometimes very harsh outbreak management responses.

It is long known and proven that women and girls play a crucial role in the agricultural work force. Moreover, they carry out most domestic work, and are at the heart of their communities’ organization, maintaining social cohesion and shaping intrahousehold dynamics. Importantly, they are also the custodians of their household’s food security and nutrition, and critical to its resilience. Yet, these contributions -together with the challenges women face to deliver on those- are consistently underrecognized and undervalued.

These realities reinforce the urgency and motivation of FTA’s work. As a research program with a key focus on policies, governance and institutions, FTA places gender equality concerns at the heart of its research to “build back better” and more resilient landscapes and livelihoods for all.

As you, FTA newsletter readers, know well, FTA recognizes gender equality as an inherent human right, and a fundamental part of achieving all of its objectives. Rather than merely addressing the symptoms of gender inequality (e.g. unequal participation, income), we need to devise transformative approaches that tackle the underlying causes, such as formal rules (e.g. policies and regulations) and informal rules (e.g. social norms, power relations), of inequality.

In that regard, FTA, as a partnership working globally but in very different contexts, has adopted one constant, not negotiable, objective across all geographies: to support women and girls’ involvement in decision making, control of resources, and control over their own labor and destiny. Only by solving pervasive inequalities in these and other areas will we be able to venture on a solid path towards equitable development and resilient landscapes.

As Reverend Martin Luther King once wrote: “Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere. We are caught in an inescapable network of mutuality, tied in a single garment of destiny. Whatever affects one directly, affects all indirectly.” These words resound with wisdom and truth as global, national, and local communities struggle to cope with COVID-19.

Research and action to document and address inequalities linked to gender, rurality, socio-economic status, and other factors of marginalization was a prominent theme in FTA’s Scientific Conference, which ran from 14-25 September 2020. Interventions across six technical workstreams highlighted how social equality can be an engine for sustainability, and canvassed transformational ways to move forward. The conference was an occasion to showcase the significant body of FTA work in this area.

The current pandemic will not deter us. FTA scientists are renewing efforts to generate data and technical, social and institutional innovations that can support change towards a more gender-equal world; and to honor and support the resilience of rural women in the wake of COVID-19.

Vincent Gitz, FTA Director and Marlène Elias, FTA Gender coordinator

Special feature

Building just societies and resilient landscapes alongside rural women

imagethumb.jpgWhen women are able to participate in decision-making and equitably share resources and benefits, policies and projects in the forest sector often see increased buy-in and improved outcomes; while initiatives that ignore gender difference or exclude women tend to reinforce or even exacerbate existing inequalities.
Read the interview with our Gender and Social Inclusion scientist Markus Ihalainen here.

Natural rubber and climate change

imagethumb.jpgNatural rubber has a key role to play for both adaptation and mitigation of climate change as an important land user (≈14 Million ha), a producer of renewable materials (i.e. latex and rubberwood), and as a major economic activity.

The International Rubber Study Group ( IRSG ) in collaboration with CIFOR/FTA, CIRAD and the International Rubber Research and Development Board (IRRDB) has organised a workshop on “Climate Change and Natural Rubber Systems” to review scientific knowledge about impacts of climate change on natural rubber, potential means for its adaptation and what can be its contribution to mitigation of climate change.

All presentations and videos can be accessed here.

Read more in this article.

Virtual launch of the Global Assessment Report on 15 October 2020!

imagethumb.jpgA new and most comprehensive scientific assessment presented by the Global Forest Experts Panel (GFEP) on Forests and Poverty reveals critical links between forests, trees and poverty alleviation. The report makes a valuable contribution to achieving the first and foremost of the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals aimed at ending poverty. This is even more important in light of the current pandemic under which efforts to fight poverty have suffered a severe setback. The International Union of Forest Research Organizations (IUFRO), on behalf of the Collaborative Partnership on Forests (CPF), established the Panel in the framework of the GFEP Initiative.

Thursday, 15 October 2020 4-5:30 pm CEST

Register here



Men in forests: New book shatters stereotypes

imagethumb.jpgIn a candid new memoir, Colfer, now a senior associate at the Center for International Forestry Research (CIFOR) and a visiting scholar in the Cornell University Southeast Asia Program, shares her personal perspective to better elaborate reflections on 50 years of research into gender and forests.

She overturns some of the generally accepted parameters which have largely defined gender studies, suggesting that the habits and practices of men warrant greater consideration than they have received to date. Read more here.

Sentinels of social transformation in Borneo

imagethumb.jpgThe recently published BSSL report focuses on two study blocks in the Kapuas Hulu Regency of West Kalimantan on Borneo. Straddling the equator, Borneo is the third largest island in the world, more than three times larger than Great Britain and seven times the size of Cuba. With 73 percent forest cover and two national parks, the report describes Kapuas Hulu as part of the “last forest frontier”. Read our long-form and download the report here.

Burkina Faso: Rural women’s perspectives on COVID-19

imagethumb.jpgAssociation Tiipaalga, working with the Alliance of Bioversity International and CIAT, spent time listening to rural Mossé women living in two communes (Zitenga and Dapelogo) of the Central Plateau of Burkina Faso discuss their lives and experiences in this period of COVID-19. Find out what they said.

FTA, PIM and WLE working together on forest and landscape restoration

imagethumb.jpgDespite the high level of political engagement and the wide range of organizations involved in restoration projects from local to global levels, beyond some success stories, restoration is not happening at scale. Research is urgently needed to design, develop and upscale successful restoration approaches. As part of this effort, FTA, PIM and WLE publish a synthesis of a survey of CGIAR’s projects on restoration.

‘Learning how to learn’ is crucial for researchers in the field

imagethumb.jpgWhen a team of scientists set out to study women’s participation in community forest management in communities in Nicaragua, they faced a quandary. Men tended to dominate the workshops and meetings. How could they encourage more equitable participation if the women didn’t attend or speak up? Find out!

FTA at GLF Bonn 2020

imagethumb.jpgDid you miss our session on the Contribution of Forests, Trees and Agroforestry to Sustainable Food Security and Nutrition in a time of crisis at GLF Bonn 2020? Full video and all presentations available here.

Sharing a vision: youth, women and the future of fine flavor cacao

imagethumb.jpgOn July 24th, the FFC project hosted the first dialogue of its kind as part of the virtual 163rd anniversary celebration of La Convencion province, home to cacao Chuncho. Over 300 participants (average age 25 years) listened in as each of the presenters provided a unique perspective from their successful careers in fine flavor cacao. Find out more here.

FTA proposes a typology of interventions and situations for guiding land restoration

imagethumb.jpgThe objective of the paper is to uncover the diverse understanding and perspectives about “restoration” and to construct a typology that can help to clarify contrasts, similarities and possible synergies. It aims to facilitate upscaling of restoration by allowing better alignment between restoration goals and means ith the priorities of the people who live in, and gain their long-term livelihoods from, the landscapes to be restored. Find out more here.

Under fire: Five myths about wood fuel in sub-Saharan Africa

imagethumb.jpgDespite the environmental cost of using firewood and charcoal for meal preparation and to meet other energy needs, more than 60 percent of families in sub-Saharan Africa have no alternative to wood, making it a significant contributor to forest degradation throughout the region. The solution is not simply to ban the use of wood fuel without offering alternatives, say scientists at CIFOR. Read what they propose.

Banner photo by O. Girard/CIFOR.

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Recent publications


Intersecting and dynamic gender rights to néré, a food tree species in Burkina Faso


Gender and forest tenure reform in Indonesia


Learning to learn in tropical forests: Training Field Teams in Adaptive Collaborative Management, Monitoring and Gender


SDG Book – Sustainable Development Goals: Their Impacts on Forests and People

Chapter 5 – Gender Equality – A Precondition for Sustainable Forestry


Chapter 10 – Reduced Inequalities – An Environmental Justice Perspective on Implications for Forests and People


Chapter 19 – The Impacts of the Sustainable Development Goals on Forests and People – Conclusions and the Way Forward


Masculinities in Forests: Representations of Diversity


ETFRN news 60 – Enhancing women’s rights and lives through gender-equitable restoration in Burkina Faso


Making room for manoeuvre: addressing gender norms to strengthen the enabling environment for agricultural innovation


Addressing Potential Conflict Using Participatory Mapping: Collection of Forest Foods From Timber Trees Around Industrial Concessions in Cameroon


The Wicked Problem of Forest Policy


Gender Challenges: A Three-Volume Compendium of Selected Papers

Other FTA publications

People-Centric Nature-Based Land Restoration through Agroforestry

Land use change in four landscapes in the Peruvian Amazon

Establishment of Rattan Plantations

Impact of on-farm Land Restoration Practices on the Time and Agency of Women in the Drylands of Eastern Kenya

Sustainable business models for inclusive growth

Capacity Development Plan of Action 2020-2021

Capacity Needs Assessment of CIFOR, ICRAF and their partners for the implementation of the CGIAR Research Program on Forestry, Trees and Agroforestry (FTA)

Report on implementation of the Landscape Assessment of Financial Flows (LAFF) in Gunung Tarak Landscape, Indonesia

The importance of indigenous peoples’ lands for the conservation of terrestrial mammals

Sentinel Landscapes initiative

Power asymmetries in social networks of ecosystem services governance

Oil palm plantations are large sources of nitrous oxide, but where are the data to quantify the impact on global warming?

Associations between socio‐environmental factors and landscape‐scale biodiversity recovery in naturally regenerating tropical and subtropical forests


NDCP-TWG webinar on Gender, 14 May

Full webinar (includes above presentation)

Presentation for the Swaminathan Research Foundation– Virtual consultation on “Science for Resilient Food, Nutrition and Livelihoods: Contemporary Challenges” – 7 August


Why the energy and food nexus is critical in refugee context

Building Back Better: Investing In Farming Under COVID-19 – Episode 12

The CGIAR Research Program on Forests, Trees and Agroforestry (FTA) is the world’s largest research for development program to enhance the role of forests, trees and agroforestry in sustainable development and food security and to address climate change. CIFOR leads FTA in partnership with Bioversity International, CATIE, CIRAD, ICRAF, INBAR and TBI.

FTA thanks all donors who supported this research through their contributions to the CGIAR Trust Fund.

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  • Asia-Pacific Region Roadmaps - All publications available now!

Asia-Pacific Region Roadmaps – All publications available now!

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Following the recommendations of the ‘Third Asia-Pacific Forest Sector Outlook Study’ that was published in 2019, FAO and CIFOR — lead center of the CGIAR research programme on Forests, Trees and Agroforestry (FTA) — have begun developing two inter-related roadmaps for primary forest conservation and innovative forest technologies in the Asia-Pacific region. The full list of 49 Asia-Pacific countries and territories covered by the roadmaps is accessible here.

These roadmaps will include key recommendations that are informed by science and directed toward different stakeholder groups (e.g., public and private actors, civil society and local communities, research and academic institutions) at different scales (local, national, regional). They are being developed through an inclusive and participative process, involving key regional stakeholders and technical experts. The development of the roadmap on innovative technologies pays specific attention to contributions of students and young people engaged in the forest sector in the region.

This webpage provides regularly updated information on the process of development of these roadmaps, starting from the more recent to the oldest steps.

5 September 2022 – All Roadmaps publications available now!

17 May 2022 – BRIEF: Asia-Pacific Roadmap for innovative technologies in the forest sector

One of the five final deliverables of the Roadmap’s initiative, this brief builds upon state-of-the-art knowledge and extensive consultation with 425 key regional stakeholders. It suggests a set of ten overarching recommendations for policy- and decision-makers that are further detailed in 59 specific options to facilitate the dissemination and adoption of innovative technologies in Asia and the Pacific.

In summary, this short publication identifies two main barriers to scaling up innovative technologies, namely: (i) the lack of capacity (e.g. infrastructures and equipment, human capital and financial resources); and (ii) rigid legal frameworks (policies and regulations) often lagging far behind rapidly evolving technologies.

Overcoming these barriers will be key in the coming decades in order to sustainably meet the increasing demand for wood, other forest products and ecosystem services while halting and reversing deforestation. These goals are aligned with the international community’s commitment at COP26 in Glasgow.

23-24 November 2021 – Final Online Expert Validation Workshop

A final online expert validation workshop on the two topics of the Roadmap (primary forest conservation and technology and innovation) was organized on 23-24 November 2021 to discuss the main findings and recommendations in the two domains, as well as proposing way forward for the sector. Presentations included the main findings and recommendations on innovative forest technologies, a stock take of the diversity, the status, trends and threats of the primary forests in the Asia Pacific region as well as a roadmap for primary forests conservation and innovative technologies in Asia and the Pacific.



Innovative forestry for a sustainable future. Youth contributions

In November 2021, following a peer review process, FAO and FTA co-published the first publication of the Asia-Pacific Roadmap. This report assembles selected papers prepared by youth from the Asia-Pacific region on innovative forest technologies and their contribution to sustainable forestry and sustainable forest management.

Following an open call for abstracts, FAO and FTA selected the best studies to be featured in a co-publication. These 13 papers illustrate, in various contexts, the potential of innovative technologies to advance sustainable forestry and sustainable forest management. They demonstrate how technologies, both new and repurposed, can improve and facilitate monitoring and reporting; strengthen citizen engagement in forest monitoring and management; and support the optimization of processes and products for sustainable forestry and sustainable forest management.
As technology enthusiasts and forest managers of the future, young scientists are the individuals and cohorts to take leadership and generate momentum through collaboration and social media, transform rigid institutions from within, and participate in the uptake and upscaling of innovative technologies in the forest sector of the region.

The studies were also presented at the last GLF Climate hybrid conference, “Frontiers of Change.” in Glasgow, on Friday 5 Nov. 2021. The session, co-organized by FAO and FTA, highlighted the important role innovation can play to make the forest sector more attractive to young people and how the youth has an active role to play in the uptake and scaling-up of these forest technologies. Read more about the event here.

23-25 March 2021 — Expert online workshop on “Roadmap for Primary Forest Conservation in Asia and the Pacific”

An online expert workshop on primary forest conservation was organized on 23-25 March 2021 to take stock of the progress made in the development of the roadmap and prepare the next steps. Building upon the annotated outline circulated ahead of the workshop, and reproduced in Appendix 4, participants were invited to: (i) examine the extent, status and diversity of forest types in the region, as well as the forest typology to be used in the roadmap (Session 1); (ii) discuss the multitude of threats and increasing pressures faced by different types of primary forests in diverse contexts (Session 2); (iii) link threats to forest types in order to identify priority areas for primary forest conservation (Session 3); and, (iv) review the governance mechanisms and measures that can support primary forest conservation at different scales (Session 4). Finally, based on these discussions, participants were invited to suggest collectively broad areas for policy recommendations regarding (i) classification and mapping of primary forest ecosystems and of the threats they face in the region; and, (ii) governance strategies and action plans to strengthen and enhance primary forest conservation (Session 5). These areas of recommendations will be further refined during the development of the roadmap. Discussions were stimulated by expert presentations illustrating the wide diversity of situations encountered across the region. Breakout sessions in smaller groups were organized as appropriate to allow more dynamic, interactive and fruitful exchanges. This workshop serves as yet another critical milestone in the overall development of the roadmap.



30 Nov, 1st & 3rd Dec 2020 — Expert online workshop on “Innovative technologies for sustainable forestry and sustainable forest management in Asia and the Pacific”

An online expert workshop on innovative forest technologies was organized on 30th November, 1st and 3rd December 2020 to take stock of the progress made in the development of the roadmap and prepare the next steps. During this workshop, invited experts: (i) identified the main promising innovative technologies for the forest sector in the region; (ii) explored the different functions they can perform along the value chain; (iii) illustrated their associated challenges and opportunities in different contexts with some specific case studies; and, (iv) discussed the main technical, socio-economic and institutional bottlenecks to technology dissemination and adoption and the needed transformations.

Based on these very rich discussions, participants collectively suggested possible recommendations for decision-makers, directed specifically to four different stakeholder groups: (i) public actors; (ii) private actors; (iii) civil society and local communities; (iv) research and academic institutions. This workshop has been recognized as an important milestone in the development of the roadmap.



Oct–Dec 2020 — Youth contributions to innovative forest technologies — Call for abstracts

To support youth participation to the development of the roadmap on innovative forest technologies, FAO and FTA, have organized a call for contributions directed to students and young people (18-35 years old), citizens and/or residents of a country or territory of the Asia-Pacific region, engaged in the forest sector. This call is organized in two steps: (1) a call for abstracts (now closed); (2) the development of the selected contributions (ongoing).

The call for abstracts attracted numerous contributions. A committee made of FTA and FAO experts reviewed and scored each abstract based on a set of criteria including: clarity, originality and potential for transformative impact on the forest sector in the region, selecting 20 abstracts for further development.

These youth papers, along with the contributions received through expert interviews and open online consultation, will serve as inputs to develop the roadmap on innovative forest technologies.

High-quality papers will be published online and the authors of the best papers will have the opportunity to present them during a dedicated workshop gathering key regional stakeholders.

Oct–Dec 2020 — Open consultation

An open online consultation was organized (19th October to 15th December 2020) to collect from a broad range of stakeholders scientific and local/traditional knowledge, experience and best practices, views and perspectives, suggestions and recommendations on primary forest conservation and on innovative forest technologies in the Asia-Pacific region.

In parallel, additional contributions are collected by FTA on these two topics, through expert interviews, still ongoing.

Oct 2020 — Scoping notes

The purpose, expected outcomes, and process for development of each roadmap, as revised after the inception workshop, are presented in more detail in two scoping notes accessible below. A technical paper will be elaborated on each topic, as well as a policy brief gathering the main findings and the recommendations emerging from this work.


Scoping note on Primary Forest Conservation


Scoping note on Innovative Technologies

30th July 2020 — Inception workshop

An online inception workshop was organized on 30 July 2020 to launch the process of development of the roadmaps and associate to this work a wide range of interested partners. This workshop attracted a wide and diversified audience, representative of the key stakeholder groups in the region (international organizations, governments, private sector, civil society, research and academia). This workshop showed the high level of interest and enthusiasm shared by many stakeholders in the region for the two roadmaps. It was the occasion: (i) to gather ideas and feedbacks on the scope and general orientation of the studies; and, (ii) to start building a strong and diverse community to accompany the development of the roadmaps.



For any question, please contact: cgiarforestsandtrees[at]cgiar[dot]org

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