Notice: Undefined variable: obj_id in /home/ft2025user/ on line 7
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Notice: Undefined variable: checked in /home/ft2025user/ on line 69 type="checkbox" name="flagship[]" value="Flagship%201"> |
Flagship 1: Tree genetic resources to bridge production gaps and promote resilience |
Notice: Undefined variable: checked in /home/ft2025user/ on line 69 type="checkbox" name="flagship[]" value="Flagship%202"> |
Flagship 2: Enhancing how trees and forests contribute to smallholder livelihoods |
Notice: Undefined variable: checked in /home/ft2025user/ on line 69 type="checkbox" name="flagship[]" value="Flagship%203"> |
Flagship 3: Sustainable value chains and investments to support forest conservation and equitable development |
Notice: Undefined variable: checked in /home/ft2025user/ on line 69 type="checkbox" name="flagship[]" value="Flagship%204"> |
Flagship 4: Landscape dynamics, productivity and resilience |
Notice: Undefined variable: checked in /home/ft2025user/ on line 69 type="checkbox" name="flagship[]" value="Flagship%205"> |
Flagship 5: Forests, trees and agroforestry for climate change adaptation and mitigation |
Notice: Undefined variable: checked in /home/ft2025user/ on line 110 type="checkbox" name="crossCutting[]" value="Gender"> |
Gender |
Notice: Undefined variable: checked in /home/ft2025user/ on line 110 type="checkbox" name="crossCutting[]" value="Melia"> |
Monitoring, evaluation, learning and impact assessment (MELIA) |
Notice: Undefined variable: checked in /home/ft2025user/ on line 110 type="checkbox" name="crossCutting[]" value="Capacity"> |
Capacity development |
Notice: Undefined variable: checked in /home/ft2025user/ on line 162 type="checkbox" name="priority[]" value="Restoration"> |
Restoration |
Notice: Undefined variable: checked in /home/ft2025user/ on line 162 type="checkbox" name="priority[]" value="Plantations%20and%20tree%20crop%20commodities"> |
Plantations and tree crop commodities |
Notice: Undefined variable: checked in /home/ft2025user/ on line 162 type="checkbox" name="priority[]" value="Enhanced%20nutrition%20and%20food%20security"> |
Enhanced nutrition and food security |
Notice: Undefined variable: checked in /home/ft2025user/ on line 162 type="checkbox" name="priority[]" value="Biodiversity,%20safeguarding%20and%20conservation"> |
Biodiversity, safeguarding and conservation |
Notice: Undefined variable: checked in /home/ft2025user/ on line 162 type="checkbox" name="priority[]" value="NDCs%20(Nationally%20Determined%20Contributions%20of%20the%20Paris%20Agreement%20on%20Climate%20Change)"> |
Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs) |
Notice: Undefined variable: checked in /home/ft2025user/ on line 162 type="checkbox" name="priority[]" value="Bioenergy"> |
Bioenergy |
Notice: Undefined variable: checked in /home/ft2025user/ on line 162 type="checkbox" name="priority[]" value="Blue%20carbon%20and%20peatlands"> |
Blue carbon and peatlands |
Notice: Undefined variable: checked in /home/ft2025user/ on line 162 type="checkbox" name="priority[]" value="Climate%20change%20adaptation"> |
Climate change adaptation |
Notice: Undefined variable: checked in /home/ft2025user/ on line 162 type="checkbox" name="priority[]" value="Landscape%20governance"> |
Landscape governance |
Notice: Undefined variable: checked in /home/ft2025user/ on line 162 type="checkbox" name="priority[]" value="Gender%20equitable%20outcome"> |
Gender |
Notice: Undefined variable: checked in /home/ft2025user/ on line 162 type="checkbox" name="priority[]" value="Silvopastoral%20systems"> |
Silvopastoral systems |
Notice: Undefined variable: checked in /home/ft2025user/ on line 162 type="checkbox" name="priority[]" value="Market-based%20agroforestry-forestry"> |
Market-based agroforestry-forestry |
Notice: Undefined variable: checked in /home/ft2025user/ on line 162 type="checkbox" name="priority[]" value="Farm-forest%20policy%20interface"> |
Farm-forest policy interface |
Notice: Undefined variable: checked in /home/ft2025user/ on line 162 type="checkbox" name="priority[]" value="Agroecology"> |
Agroecology |
Notice: Undefined variable: checked in /home/ft2025user/ on line 162 type="checkbox" name="priority[]" value="Livelihood%20trajectory%20modelling%20and%20assessment"> |
Livelihood trajectory modelling and assessment |
Notice: Undefined variable: checked in /home/ft2025user/ on line 162 type="checkbox" name="priority[]" value="Inclusive%20finance%20and%20business%20models"> |
Inclusive finance and business models |
Notice: Undefined variable: checked in /home/ft2025user/ on line 162 type="checkbox" name="priority[]" value="Innovating%20finance%20for%20sustainable%20landscapes"> |
Innovating finance for sustainable landscapes |
Notice: Undefined variable: checked in /home/ft2025user/ on line 162 type="checkbox" name="priority[]" value="Public%20and%20private%20commitments%20to%20zero%20deforestation"> |
Public and private commitments to zero deforestation |
Notice: Undefined variable: checked in /home/ft2025user/ on line 162 type="checkbox" name="priority[]" value="Orphan%20crops"> |
Orphan tree crops |
Notice: Undefined variable: checked in /home/ft2025user/ on line 162 type="checkbox" name="priority[]" value="Effectiveness%20of%20approaches%20to%20sustainable%20supply%20(certification,%20FLEGT)"> |
Effectiveness of approaches to sustainable supply |
Notice: Undefined variable: checked in /home/ft2025user/ on line 162 type="checkbox" name="priority[]" value="Quality%20of%20Research%20Development"> |
Quality of FTA research for development |
Notice: Undefined variable: checked in /home/ft2025user/ on line 162 type="checkbox" name="priority[]" value="Sentinel%20landscapes"> |
Sentinel landscapes |
Displaying 85 - 96 of 447
22 May 2015
Communities should use drones to monitor forests
10 Aug 2015
Community Forest Conservation in Malawi
10 Dec 2021
Consommer les produits issus du cacao certifié
10 Dec 2021
Consommer les produits issus du cacao certifié
14 Aug 2019