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1. Village Survey
Kongoussi (Burkina Faso)
10 communities
422 participants
392 forms (stage of poverty, settlement form, forest form, product form, association form)
Cassou (Burkina Faso)
18 communities
606 participants
718 forms (stage of poverty, settlement form, forest form, product form, association form)
Walembelle (Ghana)
18 communities
572 participants
666 forms (stage of poverty, settlement form, forest form, product form, association form)
2. Household Survey
Kongoussi (Burkina Faso)
10 communities
300 households
300 forms (sentinel landscape household module)
Cassou (Burkina Faso)
10 communities
300 households
300 forms (sentinel landscape household module)
Walembelle (Ghana)
10 communities
300 households
300 forms (sentinel landscape household module)
3. Land Degradation and Surveillance Framework (LDSF)
Two sites sampled:
Kongoussi (Burkina Faso)
Cassou (Burkina Faso)
Two more to be sampled:
Walembelle (Ghana)
Bawku (Ghana)
Land degradation and surveillance framework (LDSF) ground sampling hierarchy:
Level Area (ha) Number
Sentinel site 10,000 4
Cluster 100 16 per sentinel site
Plot 0.1 10 per cluster
Sub-plot 0.01 4 per plot
LDSF ground sampling measurements:
Land-use history and land cover
Composite soil samples
Vegetation description
Biophysical constraints measurement
Erosion prevalence
Above-ground biodiversity
Woody cover and distribution

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