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Trees for Food Security – Improving sustainable productivity in farming systems and evergreen agriculture in eastern Africa

In the Gishwati (Rwanda) and Mt Elgon (Uganda) sentinel sites:
Trees for food security 2 – World Agroforestry Centre
Trees for food security – Australian International Food Security Research Centre

The four-year Trees for Food Security project was launched in eastern Africa with funding of $5.5 million from the Australian International Food Security Centre (AIFSC). The aim of the project is to encourage and support farmers to integrate trees onto farms with cropping and livestock for improved food and nutritional security. Previous research has indicated that crop yields can be doubled by incorporating the right trees and management practices into agricultural systems.

The project will focus initially on Ethiopia and Rwanda and then scale out the appropriate agroforestry technologies to Uganda and Burundi. It aims to reach large numbers of farmers in rural regions where an estimated 10 million people are facing acute food security problems.

The project is led by ICRAF in partnership with, and with strong support from the governments of Ethiopia, Rwanda, Burundi and Uganda, and key national and international agencies. Other partners include Australia’s CSIRO, CIMMYT, ILRI and World Vision.

Filling knowledge gaps on the restoration of degraded smallholder landscape mosaics

This project was developed by ICRAF as a response to an invitation from IUCN to support IUCN’s mission to increase the pace and scale of forest landscape restoration by developing decision support tools to design and combine interventions at the landscape scale in the interest of landscape stakeholders. It has three work packages that were designed to fill important knowledge gaps regarding the potential role of agroforestry tree species in landscape restoration.

Work package 1: Options for using agroforestry systems to restore degraded lands and help small farmers comply with the new Brazilian Forest code

Work package 2: Closing knowledge gaps to scale-up forest landscape restoration (FLR) through comparative studies

Work package 3: Developing and pilot testing of a mobile phone version of the Vegetation and Climate change in East Africa (VECEA) map for both extension related to forest landscape restoration and collecting data on fallows

A video on this project was the winner of the Global Landscapes Forum Partner Video Awards. It featured the project work on the vegetationmap4africa and the Africa Tree Finder. The Uganda team organized a workshop on Mt Elgon where many partners were trained in the use of smart phone applications. Related links can be found below:

Tutorial – vegetationmap4africa
The right tree for the right place – Agroforestry World
Twitter – World Agroforestry Centre

A blog on the Landscapes Portal that highlights soil sampling on Mt Elgon can be found here:
Field Sampling on Mt Elgon

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