Quality of FTA research for development
FTA includes many innovative research-for-development approaches aimed at making research more engaged, pluralistic and democratic, and thus more effective. There is a great opportunity and need to analyze and learn from these experiments, and to understand their implications in terms of quality of FTA research for development (QoR4D).
This priority is investigating how R4D contributes to change and to the generation of International Public Goods (IPGs). It aims to develop broader principles of effective R4D. To do so, it will conduct outcome evaluations of several case studies (Peru AF Concession Policy; GCS REDD+ Vietnam; 3 GCS tenure cases in Indonesia, Uganda, Peru). It will draw from individual cases (mature research projects) and from comparative analyses of sets of cases.
Properly addressing gender is an important dimension of QoR4D. This operational priority thus has a specific focus on gender, and involved an evaluation of gender integration in FTA Phase 1. This evaluation, based on a modified realist review and outcomes harvesting methods, was undertaken with the combined support of the DFID-funded KNOWFOR project and FTA W1+2. Both DFID and FTA have prioritized the integration of gender into their research portfolio and performance frameworks. This work builds on the recommendations of the CGIAR-wide gender mainstreaming evaluation and will examine the lessons that can be drawn from existing gender integration practice to inform the gender integration strategy of FTA Phase 2.