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This priority aims at integrating a gender equality and social inclusion perspective—including issues of generation (youth) and the intersection of gender and factors of social differentiation that cause marginalization—across the FTA portfolio.

It focuses on strengthening the capacities and institutional processes for gender and social analyses to ensure that FTA proposes equitable and locally relevant innovations that can be readily and sustainably adopted.

It supports scientific analysis of the differential capacities, interests, and priorities of women and men across the research-in-development cycle, and the development of policies, programs, and innovations that can advance gender equality. It contributes to global efforts to ‘achieve gender equality and empower all women and girls’ (United Nations Sustainable Development Goal 5), in line with efforts within the CGIAR and among influential donors to promote women’s rights and gender equality as a means to achieve several outcomes, but also as legitimate goals in and of themselves.

The coordinated implementation of this strategy across FTA through FTA’s multicenter Gender Integration Team will continue to strengthen the network of gender expertise across flagships; and to underscore the importance of addressing gender and generational dimensions in forestry and agroforestry research-in-development for achieving quality science and development outcomes.

Read more about FTA’s work on gender here.

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