Role and focus

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Scientists work together across the whole of FTA to develop — at international, national and local levels — effective, equitable and inclusive solutions to jointly address climate change and development outcomes that make the most of the potential of trees, forests and agroforestry.

FTA addresses this challenge by generating knowledge, tools and advice on policy and practice, technology transfer, and supporting capacity development at a national level. FTA research aims to inform and facilitate improved policy change, changes of practice at different levels, and institutional change, including an enabling environment, as well as adopting when necessary a political economy lens to facilitate change.

FTA organizes its work on climate change around the following four questions.
1. How can forest, tree and agroforestry systems contribute to achieving effective land-based mitigation of climate change?
2. How can forest, tree and agroforestry systems adapt to climate change and contribute to the adaptation of agriculture, people, livelihoods and landscapes to climate change at different scales?
3. How can bioenergy be sustainably produced in developing countries?
4. How can the performance of policies and practices addressing these goals be reliably assessed?

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