Due to fundamental biological, ecological, economic and legal reasons, TGR management systems present similarities as well as important differences with respect to annual crops’ genetic resources.
Considering these factors, FTA works to improve TGR management by acting on three essential dimensions:
1. Safeguarding TGR in the wild and in anthropized forest and farm systems, exploring how to best preserve diversity and ensure its continued availability for use.
Where are the key locations for TGR conservation, based on richness in diversity, option values for use, and the threats faced by the resources?
What are effective ways to conserve these TGR in different socioecological, legal/governance and production system/landscape contexts?
How can appropriate safeguarding approaches be mainstreamed into wider conservation strategies for forests and trees?
2. Tree domestication, identifying promising wild tree species and bringing them into cultivation, as well as improving the performance of already domesticated trees.
What are appropriate methods to bring trees into cultivation for the first time, or to allow for wider cultivation when already domesticated?
In domestication, how can participation by, and the benefits to, local communities and the first users of trees be effectively ensured?
When trees are domesticated, how can some of the pitfalls observed with annual crop domestication, with potential to lead to the homogenization of production systems and reduced sustainability, be avoided?
3. Tree planting material delivery, investigating how to ensure that the right material reaches growers efficiently.
How can approaches for delivery of tree planting material be more efficient, cost-effective and equitable, and how can this be properly assessed?
How can planting material delivery systems be made more adaptable to changing grower requirements and altering environmental conditions?