Re-integrating ecology into integrated landscape approaches

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Integrated landscape approaches (ILAs) that aim to balance conservation and development targets are increasingly promoted through science, policy, and the donor community. Advocates suggest that ILAs are viable implementing pathways for addressing global challenges such as biodiversity loss, poverty alleviation, and climate change mitigation and adaptation. However, we argue that recent advances in ILA research and discourse have tended to emphasize the social and governance dimensions, while overlooking ecological factors and inadequately considering potential trade-offs between the two fields.
Authors: Reed, J.; Kusters, K.; Barlow, J.; Balinga, M.; Borah, J.R.; Carmenta, R.; Chervier, C.; Djoudi, H.; Gumbo, D.; Laumonier, Y.; Moombe, K.B.; Yuliani, E.L.; Sunderland, T.C.H.
Subjects: landscape conservation, ecology, biodiversity conservation, ecological restoration, landscape ecology
Publication type: ISI, Journal Article, Publication
Year: 2021
ISSN: 0921-2973

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