FTA Annual Report 2016 - The Sentinel Landscapes

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Phase II of FTA (2015 to 2016) was severely affected by the funding cuts in win1/win2. Prior to the funding cuts there were plans to use a substantial amount of the win1/win2 allocation to the sentinel landscape network, specifically to facilitate place-based research activities contributing to the Flagship level IDOs within the sentinel landscapes. With the announced budget cuts in October 2014, in December it was anticipated that completion of data collection, the meta-analysis across landscapes and publishing the data sets in the open domain would approximately need 80% of the anticipated allocation for 2015. Further funding cuts through 2015 resulted in shrinkage of scientific cadres in several of the regional sentinel landscape teams and funding shortage for processing the sentinel landscape data. To ensure that regional teams were able to complete their data collection activities and complete the sentinel landscape dataset, funding cuts were absorbed by cutting allocations to the method team that is responsible for developing the indicators from the collected data. Also the two thematic sentinel landscapes could no longer be supported by the allocation to the cross cutting theme.
Authors: Vågen, Tor-G; Winowiecki, L.; Chiputwa, B.; Takoutsing, B.; Parmutia, M.; Robiglio, V.; Devagiri, G.M.; Harrison, R.; Widayati, A.; Laumonier, Y.; Tondoh, J.; Sepulveda, N.; Satdichanh, M.; Baraka, P.
Subjects: landscape
Publication type: Corporate Publication, Program document, Publication
Year: 2017

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