As many as 18 diversity fairs were organised on Mangifera, Citrus and Garcinia species during the last five years in five sites selected in India with the objectives of creating public awareness about tropical fruit tree (TFT) diversity, using it as a participatory tool for locating trait specific indigenous varieties and to enable marketing the diversity. The research questions revolved around the methodology used for organizing the diversity fairs, display of rich diversity by the farmers and success/failure of diversity fair (DF) in locating the trait specific variety among the vast diversity. The diversity fairs also provided a platform for discussion on linking farmers to market, recognizing the custodians of diversity by honouring them and distribution of elite grafts and harvesting tools. Mango was prominent with more number of diversity fairs as well as identification of varieties in four of the five sites. In case of Citrus, Amravati and Pusa organized diversity fairs whereas Sirsi organized Garcinia diversity fair as three species of Garcinia were located in this site. The success of the diversity may be judged by the indicators such as number of varieties characterized and evaluated, number of varieties registered/sent for registration, number of varieties linked to market, value addition possibilities implemented based on the diversity fair besides meeting the primary objectives of creating awareness and locating the trait specific diversity.
Gajanana, T.M.; Rajan, S.; Singh, I.P.; Dinesh, M.R.; Vasudeva, R.; Singh, S.S.; Lamers, H.; Parthasarathy, V.A.; Sthapit, B.; Rao, R.V.
farmers, conservation, markets
Publication type:
Journal Article, Non-ISI, Publication