The importance of plot size and the number of sampling seasons on capturing macrofungal species richness

The species-area relationship is an important factor in the study of species diversity, conservation biology, and landscape ecology. A deeper understanding of this relationship is necessary, in order to provide recommendations on how to improve the quality of data collection on macrofungal diversity in different land use systems in future studies, a systematic assessment of methodological parameters, in particular optimal plot sizes. The species-area relationship of macrofungi in tropical and temperate climatic zones and four different land use systems were investigated by determining the macrofungal species richness in plot sizes ranging from 100 m2 to 10 000 m2 over two sampling seasons. We found that the effect of plot size on recorded species richness significantly differed between land use systems with the exception of monoculture systems. For both climate zones, land use system needs to be considered when determining optimal plot size. Using an optimal plot size was more important than temporal replication (over two sampling seasons) in accurately recording species richness.
Authors: Li, H.; Ostermann, A.; Karunarathna, S.C.; Xu, J.; Hyde, K.D.; Mortimer, P.E.
Subjects: fungi, species
Publication type: ISI, Journal Article, Publication
Year: 2018
ISSN: 1878-6146

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