The context of REDD+ in Cameroon: Drivers, agents and institutions

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This report presents the contextual conditions into which the REDD+ mechanism is to be received (assuming that REDD+ is ultimately adopted at the international level) by examining the current, relevant processes, such as discussion or lack of discussion, on the reference scenarios, funding mechanisms, cost/benefit sharing, carbon stocks, MRV (monitoring, reporting and verification) systems, coordination of policies and actions, and political reforms. This report also seeks to evaluate the contextual conditions in relation to the potential REDD+ mechanism using the 3E+ criteria, viz. effectiveness, efficiency, equity, and co-benefits. The report is presented in an outline developed with the research teams for other sites, with the analysis divided into the following 5 sections: drivers of deforestation and forest degradation; institutional environment and revenuedistribution mechanisms; political economy of deforestation and forest degradation; political environment of REDD+ (actors, events and processes); and an attempt to evaluate the profile of REDD+ in Cameroon on the basis of the 3E+ criteria.
Authors: Dkamela, G.P.
Subjects: climate change, institutions, afforestation, carbon sequestration, cost benefit analysis, deforestation, environmental degradation, forest management, forest policy, forests, institutions, monitoring
Publication type: Paper-R, Publication
Year: 2011

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