Public Sector, Private Sector and Socio-Cultural Response Options

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This chapter focuses on political, economic and social response options at national to supranational scales to drivers of unsustainable management of forests and tree-based landscapes and their effects on food security and nutrition. Three different angles are considered: a) policy responses to enhance linkages between food security and forests with a focus on setting up the right institutional and governance structures and addressing the important issue of forest tenure reform; b) market-based response options that focus on global processes for supporting sustainable supply, and innovative corporate and multi-actor initiatives to support inclusive value chains of forest and tree products; and c) socio-cultural response options to enhance food security where the focus is on: changing urban demand; education to change behaviour and improve dietary choices; reducing inequalities and promoting gender-responsive interventions; and social mobilisation for food security.
Authors: Neufeldt, H.; Pacheco, P.; Ojha, H.R.; Ogalleh, S.A.; Donovan, J.; Fuchs, L.; Kleinschmit, D.; Kristjanson, P.; Kowero, G.; Oeba, V.; Powell, B.
Subjects: food security, gender relations
Publication type: Chapter-R, Publication
Year: 2015
ISSN: 1016-3263

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