National socioeconomic surveys in forestry: Guidance and survey modules for measuring the multiple roles of forests in household welfare and livelihoods

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Adequate information on the socioeconomic contributions of forests to household welfare, livelihoods and poverty reduction is key to national sustainable development in the post-2015 agenda. While awareness is growing regarding the multiple roles of forests in these aspects of sustainable development, the lack of systematic data in many countries limits an evidence-based demonstration of this. Lacking reliable information, forests and forestry are not always adequately considered in the development of national policies. This sourcebook is intended to help improve data collection on aspects of forests relating to household welfare and livelihoods. It offers practical guidance and measurement tools that can be included in existing social or socioeconomic surveys undertaken by a country's national statistical office, or in independent national surveys.
Authors: Bakkegaard, R.Y.; Agrawal, A.; Animon, I.; Hogarth, N.J.; Miller, D.C.; Persha, L.; Rametsteiner, E; Wunder, S.; Zezza, A.
Subjects: surveys, socioeconomics, forestry, household surveys, livelihoods
Publication type: Paper-R, Publication
Year: 2016

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