Indonesia's Peatland Fires and Toxic Haze: media discourses across scales of governance

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The 2015 mega-fire event raised the profile of Indonesian peatland fires as toxic haze reached disproportionate levels across South East Asia. The multiple and severe impacts of peat fires include environmental damages, public health and economic losses. Peatland management has become a domestic and international priority, spurring intensely contentious debates of blame and solution pathways that have been reported in the media, from the provincial to the international level. We analyse the representations of blame and solution for peat fire and toxic haze in media discourses across scales. This analysis offers insights as to why fire management interventions (FMIs) have been ineffective to date and how the media may better capture the complex of peatland fires.
Authors: Carmenta, R.; Porter-Jacobs, L.
Subjects: peatlands, fire, carbon, emissions, carbon dioxide, carbon sinks, greenhouse gases, climate change
Publication type: Infographic
Year: 2017

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