Farmers' Perception on On-farm Conservation of Mango and Citrus Diversity in Indonesia

A study was conducted in 2014 to measure Indonesian farmers’ perception of mango and Citrus conservation, to analyse which non-behavioural factors affect the farmers’ perceptions and to analyse the impact of farmers’ participation in project activities based on their perception. Eighty respondents were selected randomly from two sub districts in South Kalimantan and two sub-districts in East Java, and a questionnaire was administered. Simple linear regression showed that farmers’ participation in on-farm conservation programs positively affect their perceptions about on-farm conservation. Multivariate regression analysis indicated furthermore that the following non-behavioural factors do affect farmers’ perceptions significantly a) the accessibility of mango and Citrus planting materials, b) farmers’ knowledge about conservation benefits, c) the level of government support, and d) farmers’ knowledge about conservation purposes. Farmers suggest that the Indonesian government should focus on creating access to qualitative saplings, access to farm inputs and assistance to improve their skills in bio-fertilizer and bio-pesticide production. The community biodiversity management approach, as used in the project, seems an appropriate approach to influence farmers’ perceptions and behaviour related to conservation activities, especially when incentives and needs of farmers are recognised and addressed.
Authors: Kurniash, D.; Arsanti, I.W.; Numalinda; Kiloes, A.N.; Lamers, H.A.
Subjects: agriculture, biodiversity
Publication type: Journal Article, Non-ISI, Publication
Year: 2015
ISSN: 0971-8184

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