Emissions factors: Converting land use change to CO2 estimates

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The lack of country and region specific data poses a serious limitation to converting area estimates of deforestation and forest degradation to carbon stock change estimates for most tropical countries. Thus we cannot make accurate and precise estimates of emissions and removals in national REDD+ programmes and REDD+ demonstration activities.
Progress on building the institutional capacity of countries to conduct forest inventories and other measurements for improving greenhouse gas inventories in forestry and other land use sectors has been slow in most non-Annex I countries.
The above constraints can be overcome if coordinated, targeted investments are made and productive partnerships are developed between the technical services in REDD+ host countries, intergovernmental agencies and advanced research institutes in developed countries during the readiness phase.
Authors: Verchot, L.V.; Anitha, K.; Romijn, E.; Herold, M.; Hergoualc'h, K.
Publication type: Chapter-R, Publication
Year: 2012

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