Development of nuclear, chloroplast and mitochondrial SNP markers for Khaya sp.

100 SNP and one Indel markers were developed for Khaya using a combination of restriction associated DNA sequencing and low coverage MiSeq genome sequencing. The marker set was successfully used to genotype a set of 1919 individuals, representing 5 Khaya species from 18 African countries, using MassARRAY®iPLEX™ genotyping.
Authors: Pakull, B.; Mader, M.; Kersten, B.; Ekue, M.R.M.; Bouka Dipelet, U.; Paulini, M.; Bouda, Z.H.N.; Degen, B.
Subjects: genetic resources
Publication type: ISI, Journal Article, Publication
Year: 2016
ISSN: 1877-7252

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