Approaches and tools to assess multiple ecosystem services and their relevance to developing countries

Assessing and mapping multiple ecosystem services at landscape scale is becoming an increasingly important area of investigation. Ecosystem services assessment and mapping can help understanding their flows and effect of management associated outcomes which are critical steps in the development of effective land use policy and decision-making. In recent years a number of tools have been developed for assessing, mapping, and analysing trade-offs among multiple ecosystem services. However, multiple and approaches and tools are often confusing for researchers and policy makers. This paper aims to review some of the key tools and approaches using specific criteria such as - ease of use, data requirement, expertise needed, time, credibility of tool and so forth. With synthesizing of multiple approaches and tools it provides recommendations to appropriate tools for assessing ecosystem services in developing countries and data poor regions.
Authors: Paudyal, K.; Keenan, R. J.; Baral, H.
Subjects: ecosystem services, assessment, mapping
Publication type: Conference Paper, Publication
Year: 2014

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