Agroecological transformation for sustainable food systems: insight on France-CGIAR research

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This publication is an outcome of the Action Plan between CGIAR and France, which is honored to host the headquarters of this international organization in Montpellier, at the epicenter of one of the most significant concentrations of agricultural research and educational institutions, including CIRAD, IRD, and INRAE, which have long been associated with CGIAR. We hope that this anchorage will strengthen partnerships between CGIAR and French agricultural research bodies to help meet sustainable development challenges together. In this light, France commends the far-reaching reform of One CGIAR and the emphasis placed on systems approaches such as agroecology, while looking forward to pursuing a rich and stimulating dialogue that will in turn benefit the international community.
Authors: Atta-Krah, K.; Chotte, J.L.; Gascuel, C.; Gitz, V.; Hainzelin, E.; Hubert, B.; Quintero, M.; Sinclair, F.L.
Subjects: agroecology, agroecosystems, biodiversity conservation, landscape conservation, food systems, sustainable development
Publication type: Book-R, Publication
Year: 2021
ISSN: 1628-4259

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