The Evolution of REDD+ Social Safeguards in Brazil, Indonesia and Tanzania: Multi-level policy processes, dialogues and actions on REDD+ social safeguards: Challenges and opportunities for national REDD+ safeguards measurement, reporting and verification.

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Countries are grappling with how to integrate social safeguards into national and subnational REDD+ architectures. Safeguard policies are intended to ensure that people are not harmed or made worse off by REDD+.
Authors: Jagger, P.; Brockhaus, M.; Duchelle, A.E.; Gebara, M.F.; Lawlor, K.; Resosudarmo. I.A.P.; Sunderlin, W.D.
Subjects: governance, economy, tenure, gender, biodiversity, technical monitoring
Publication type: Brief, Publication
Year: 2014

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