CIFOR Proposal Assessment Tool on Gender for Managers or Reviewers: Has this proposal demonstrated appropriate attention to gender issues?

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CIFOR scientists are now asked to actively consider whether and how gender is relevant to their research. Consequently, you must assess proposals for how well they communicate appropriate attention to gender issues. Gender integration in research is a fundamental part of doing good science, a means to help ensure that forestry research leads to equitable advances in human wellbeing and environmental conservation. This short guide will provide you with some key questions to consider as you review research proposals. It will also help you provide feedback to scientists and researchers on how they can strengthen attention to gender issues. Gender-responsive research investigates the different priorities and needs of men and women. It also analyses how gender relations influence men's and women's ability to manage and use forests and forests products, as well as how policies affect men and women differently. Research aims to identify the underlying causes of gender inequalities. This involves collecting sex-disaggregated data and analysing gender inequalities to examine how these inequalities affect different groups of people. Gender-focused research is more likely to be conducted collaboratively with communities and other stakeholders to shape its scope and activities. Recommendations from this research will identify improvements for forest policies and practices that offer the best options for all parties and aim to address imbalances in assets or power.
Authors: CIFOR
Subjects: gender, tenure, research, forestry
Publication type: Brief, Program document, Publication
Year: 2013

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