State Secretary Jochen Flasbarth - Closing Keynote GLF 2016 Marrakesh

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Center for International Forestry Research (CIFOR)

On behalf of the German Ministry of Environment and the Ministry of Economic Cooperation, State Secretary Jochen Flasbarth pledges support to the long-term future of GLF – and explains why he sees the Forum at the center of efforts to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals. The closing plenary featured representatives from the Global Landscapes Forum’s founding and coordinating partners to share and discuss their visions and expectations for the future of the Forum over the next four years.The Forum is undergoing a transformation, from focusing on policy advice to implementing action on the ground and tracking progress toward new climate and development goals. Through scientific input, capacity-building programs, online engagement, thematic symposiums and global events, GLF aspires to introduce one billion people by 2020 to the landscape approach – and connect them in embracing it. The GLF is more than just a series of events: it is a dynamic platform with which diverse stakeholders can collaborate to create a more sustainable world. Join the movement to reach 1 billion people: #ThinkLandscape

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