We deploy gender analysis methods, partnerships and alliances, knowledge sharing, and adaptive learning to effectively incorporate gender in the research cycle in CRP-FTATA. These approaches will be applied in combination at each phase of the research cycle for highest impact.
Building/strengthening partnerships and alliances, in order to:
- ensure the adoption of research outputs and to improve the likelihood of intended outcomes and impacts; we are accountable for research and co- accountable for outcomes and impacts;
- raise awareness of gender-related issues
- mobilise action toward gender inclusion
- increase the likelihood that problem identification and prioritisation are gender-sensitive
Knowledge sharing for gender-responsive policy and practice, in order to:
- inform policy makers and practitioners of the gains of gender equitable policy and practice
- clarify the value addition of gender-responsive research
- reinforce attention to gender-responsive research and practice
Adaptive learning for gender-responsive research and analysis, in order to:
- develop and track indicators to capture inclusion
- evaluate the effectiveness of programmes, projects and interventions
- improve data collection and analysis
- allow for a critical analysis of activities and outputs and the incorporation of new knowledge into existing and anticipated phases of research