Agriculture, forestry and other land uses are central to the implementation of the sustainable development goals (SDGs). They may also contribute up to 20% of emission reductions needed to achieve the Paris mitigation target. Notably, nearly 60% of food production is produced by smallholders (<20 ha) who are undoubtedly the most vulnerable to climate change. The CGIAR Research Program on Forests, Trees and Agroforestry (FTA), together with Tropenbos International have organized a series of events aiming to enrich our discussion on barriers to inclusive sustainable finance and we reach the most vulnerable and marginalized.
After a set of interviews conducted at the beginning of 2019, a Digital Summit was organized, then followed by an e-dialogue to enrich an ongoing study via on-line discussion (the current state of the study is summarized in this white paper). Finally the discussion went live on Saturday, 30 November 2019 at the GLF Luxembourg in the prestigious European Convention Center. The outstanding panel discussions brought together many voices and different perspectives from the various stakeholders in landscape finance.
Rounding off the consultation phase of our study we will talk to three practitioners in the field of inclusive finance through an open-access Digital Summit. These are people who have been dealing with financial barriers from the receiver point of view: women groups in Ghana, indigenous people in Peru and people designing payment for ecosystem services in Kenya.
Join this open-access Digital Summit to follow the discussions and share you own experiences in dealing with barriers to finance your sustainable land use practices. You will be able to follow the event live and also pose questions via a chat box – don’t miss this opportunity!