Women’s dataset of the Global Comparative Study on REDD+ (GCS REDD+) Module 2
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- Women’s dataset of the Global Comparative Study on REDD+ (GCS REDD+) Module 2
The Women’s dataset corresponds to the Women’s Questionnaire, which has three main goals. First, it is an instrument that enables women to have a voice as respondents in GCS REDD+. Second, it is a way to obtain data that are specific to the experience and knowledge of women in the study villages. Third, it supplies information that compares the livelihood activities and outlooks of women and men in the study villages. The Women’s Questionnaire is composed of four main sections: 1. Women’s livelihoods in the village and change over time; and tenure; 2. women’s participation in village and household decisions; 3. perception of changes in women’s well-being; 4. women’s involvement in and assessment of forest interventions.
The Women’s Questionnaire was applied through focus group interviews with around 10 women, aged 16 and older, who represent all (or the vast majority) of the different types of women’s livelihoods in the village. The women dataset includes 190 villages in Phase 1 (121 intervention and 69 control villages) and 149 in Phase 2 (87 intervention and 62 control villages). Variables from Phase 1 start with P1W_section&question number, and variables from Phase 2 start with P2W_section&question number.
The research design and methods are further described in Sunderlin et al. (2016) as well as in several GCS REDD+ publications and related material (See GCS-REDD sub national initatives website).
GCS-REDD+ Subnational Initatives quality assurance
FTA’s GCS-REDD+ Subnational Initatives datasets have been peer-reviewed to ensure that they meet CGIAR’s ‘quality of research for development’ (QoR4D) framework. This framework, developed with strong methodological contributions from FTA, comprises criteria for relevance, credibility, legitimacy and effectiveness.
The GCS-REDD+ Subnational Initatives datasets have been independently evaluated as contributing to a well-defined research question important to forests, trees and agroforestry, and to FTA’s Theory of Change. The GCS-REDD+ Subnational Initatives datasets also contribute new knowledge on forests, trees and agroforestry.
The credibility of the GCS-REDD+ Subnational Initatives datasets has been externally verified. The datasets belong to FTA partners – and can be used by FTA.
The GCS-REDD+ Subnational Initatives datasets have been generated through a rigorous research design; they are complete, curated and cleaned. The datasets, the underlying methods and related findings are robust, and sources of knowledge are dependable and sound.
The GCS-REDD+ Subnational Initatives datasets have been assessed as meeting the criteria for legitimacy. Data have been collected following both Free Prior Informed Consent (FPIC) and the research ethics guidelines of FTA, ensuring the underlying research process is fair and ethical and perceived as such, including proper representation of all involved and consideration of interests and perspectives of intended users. Gender considerations, and thus a gender lens, is reflected in the data collected.
The GCS-REDD+ Subnational Initatives datasets and related products and services are accessible and well positioned for uptake and use (by researchers and stakeholders), including capacity development and proper support to the enabling environment. GCS-REDD+ Subnational Initatives dataset on the FTA website are also available and accessible on the Open Archives Initiative Protocol for Metadata Harvesting (OAI-PMH) interoperable repository site, Dataverse. Data are also described by sufficient metadata (CG-Core).
If you use the GCS-REDD+ Subnational Initatives dataset in any way, we would be happy to hear from you and support the visibility of your research by publishing a data story on your research. To submit a data story, click here(http://www2.foreststreesagroforestry.org/tell-us-your-data-story/).