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  • Perú: Reconocer y facilitar la pequeña producción de madera de purma podría traer beneficios para todos

Perú: Reconocer y facilitar la pequeña producción de madera de purma podría traer beneficios para todos

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Los agricultores a pequeña escala que producen madera en tierras de purma (el término local para tierras en barbecho) en la Amazonía peruana se beneficiarían de un mecanismo regulador que ayude a transformar la cadena de valor del sector informal en una basada en la equidad y la sostenibilidad, sostiene un estudio reciente.

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  • Gender dynamics in Ghana’s oil palm processing sector

Gender dynamics in Ghana’s oil palm processing sector

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Known throughout the industry as “oil palm mamas” or “market queens,” women play a competitive role in Ghana’s informal oil palm sector.

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  • Nueva publicación detalla los mejores métodos para el manejo adaptativo y colaborativo en bosques

Nueva publicación detalla los mejores métodos para el manejo adaptativo y colaborativo en bosques

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El trisquel es un símbolo antiguo, frecuentemente representado con tres espirales. Su forma triádica tiene distintos significados para las diferentes culturas que lo han utilizado a lo largo de la historia.

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  • La certification du cacao influence la performance financière des modèles de production au Cameroun

La certification du cacao influence la performance financière des modèles de production au Cameroun

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Alors que le Cameroun figure parmi les principaux producteurs de cacao en Afrique, la certification du cacao n’est pas une pratique très répandue, avec moins d’un quart de la production nationale. Pourtant, en adressant les exigences environnementales, sociales et économiques de la production du cacao, la certification du cacao durable par exemple de Rainforest Alliance ou Fairtrade vise en théorie à répondre aux enjeux de déforestation et à celui de la pauvreté en milieu rural. Ces questions sont d’autant plus importantes au Cameroun que le pays a décidé de relancer sa filière cacao en souhaitant doubler sa production d’ici 2030. Or le secteur du cacao fait face à des exigences nouvelles depuis une dizaine d’années en réponse à la demande croissante de chocolat su le plan mondial, et aux demandes des consommateurs de réduction de son empreinte environnementale et maximisation de son impact socio-économique sur les producteurs.

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  • Meningkatkan Kapasitas Kepemimpinan di Sektor Kehutanan Indonesia

Meningkatkan Kapasitas Kepemimpinan di Sektor Kehutanan Indonesia

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Pak Ongko adalah seorang petani dan nelayan berusia 77 tahun. Dulu ia hidup dari ikan Butini (Glossogobius matanensis) dan udang air tawar yang bertebaran di Danau Matano – danau teknonik purba, terpencil di sudut timur Provinsi Sulawesi Selatan, Indonesia.

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  • New book details best approaches to Adaptive Collaborative Management in forests

New book details best approaches to Adaptive Collaborative Management in forests

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The triskelion is an ancient symbol, often represented by three spirals. Its triadic form holds various meanings for the different cultures it has represented over the years.

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  • Lahan Gambut ASEAN: Urgensi dalam Mitigasi Krisis Iklim

Lahan Gambut ASEAN: Urgensi dalam Mitigasi Krisis Iklim

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Lahan gambut merupakan salah satu ekosistem paling penting di Bumi dalam perannya menyerap dan menyimpan karbon. Perhimpunan Bangsa Bangsa Asia Tenggara (ASEAN) memiliki peran penting dalam upaya untuk menjamin perlindungannya. Hal itu didengar oleh delegasi yang menghadiri konferensi iklim tingkat tinggi COP 26 di Glasglow.

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  • Perú: Una plataforma científico-política para un REDD+ eficaz, eficiente y equitativo

Perú: Una plataforma científico-política para un REDD+ eficaz, eficiente y equitativo

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El creciente interés de países y corporaciones en las soluciones basadas en los bosques –incluyendo el marco REDD+ de la Convención Marco de las Naciones Unidas sobre el Cambio Climático– hace necesario procurar entender a fondo las salvaguardas que se han planteado para promover y proteger los derechos de los pueblos indígenas y comunidades locales del Sur Global. El nuevo financiamiento comprometido para los bosques puede apoyar al desarrollo sostenible, pero también puede traer potenciales retos para estas comunidades.

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  • Ensuring REDD+ finance delivers fair finance and benefits to meet climate goals

Ensuring REDD+ finance delivers fair finance and benefits to meet climate goals

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Establishing standards for measuring, monitoring and assigning financial value to forest-related greenhouse gas emissions is a challenging process due to the wide range of variables at play, said delegates attending the COP26 climate summit in Glasgow.

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  • Workshop builds leadership capacity in Indonesian forest sector

Workshop builds leadership capacity in Indonesian forest sector

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Pak Ongko, a 77-year-old farmer and fisherman, used to make a reliable living from the Butini fish (Glossogobius matanensis) and freshwater prawns that teemed in Lake Matano – a remote, ancient tectonic lake in the far eastern corner of the province of South Sulawesi in Indonesia.

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  • Meet the farmers and scientists collaborating to restore Kenya’s degraded grasslands

Meet the farmers and scientists collaborating to restore Kenya’s degraded grasslands

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Hellen Atieno Owuor remembers a time when farming goats and cattle in the sub-humid eastern highlands of Kenya was a relatively straightforward task.

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  • FTA's 5 Integrated Impact Studies

FTA’s 5 Integrated Impact Studies

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Workshop. Photo by Marlon del Aguila Guerrero/CIFOR
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FTA communications

In 2021, FTA completed a set of studies focused on documenting the progress of the program’s contribution in addressing key global challenges. Five challenges were identified together with the management team and leadership of FTA, resulting in five integrative impact studies that are relevant to many countries, actors, donors’ priorities, the Sustainable Development Goals, and the CGIAR SLOs and SRF targets.

The synthesis report of all five integrative impact studies is out now!

This document provides a synthesis of the five studies and draws lessons and recommendations for research-for-development programs.

The results of these studies demonstrate the following FTA contributions:

1. Addressing accelerating rates of deforestation and forest degradation. Overall, an estimated 25.6m ha of forests have the potential to be under enhanced protection from deforestation and forest degradation as a result of collective processes to which FTA research and engagement contributed. In addition, if FTA-informed policies are effectively implemented and enforced, there is the potential for 133.4m ha of forests to be better protected from deforestation and degradation in the countries assessed to date. Based on these estimates, between 24 Gt (low-end estimate) and 125.3 Gt (high-end estimate) of CO2 emissions may be avoided as a result of FTA’s contribution to enhanced forest protection.

2. Restoring degraded land and ecosystem services. Cumulative effects of FTA’s research and engagement contributed to placing at least 1.8 million ha under restoration, with the potential for up to 34.5 million ha to be under restoration in the future. Projected carbon sequestration effects of active planting facilitated by FTA is estimated to be from 1.4 million tons CO2 to reach the potential of 511.5 million tons of CO2 in the future.

3. Widespread Unsustainable Land Use Practices. We estimate that 59.5 million ha of landscapes are now under improved management as a result of policy mechanisms, monitoring systems, and changes in on-the-ground management and land use practices influenced by FTA. In addition, if other relevant FTA-influenced policies, action plans, and monitoring systems are effectively implemented and/or scaled in the future, a total of 204 million ha of landscapes have the potential to be better managed.

4. Persistent rural poverty with increasing levels of vulnerability. Overall, the study estimates that 5.1m people (1.3 million people directly and 3.8 million household members indirectly) have additional means to exit poverty or have increased resilience to impoverishment as a result of FTA’s contributions. This estimate includes people with increased access to inputs for tree- and agroforestry-based production; people who adopted enhanced management or diversified production practices to increase yields; people who adopted low-cost processing techniques and value-addition; people with enhanced access to formal markets and/or business and marketing skills. We project that if all individuals reached by FTA adopt FTA-promoted options and technologies into their practice, in addition to the effective implementation of FTA-influenced policies, strategies, and action plans, 19m people (5.7 million people directly and 13.3 household members indirectly) have the potential to benefit from additional means to exit poverty or reduce their vulnerability of falling into poverty.

5. Rising demand for nutritious food for both current and future generations. Overall, FTA reached over 760,000 households with additional means to improve their food security and nutritional status, with evidence of uptake of FTA innovations among one-third of these households (248,398). Evidence of significant FTA contributions to several policy-related outcomes was also found and documented.

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  • Sauver les écosystèmes forestiers des paysages multifonctionnels de Garoua-Boulaï dans la région de l’Est-Cameroun

Sauver les écosystèmes forestiers des paysages multifonctionnels de Garoua-Boulaï dans la région de l’Est-Cameroun

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Au Cameroun, les paysages de Garoua-Boulaï dans la région de l’Est se caractérisent par des écosystèmes dominés par des savanes boisées. Les activités pratiquées dans ces espaces représentent des facteurs de dégradation du paysage. On note entre autres l’agriculture, l’élevage, l’exploitation minière et forestière. A cela, s’ajoute la production du bois énergie (bois de chauffage et production de charbon) pour répondre aux divers besoins énergétiques des populations riveraines. En outre, les paysages de Garoua-Boulaï présentent la particularité d’être la terre d’accueil de plus de 60 000 réfugiés centrafricains installés depuis plusieurs années en quête de stabilité du fait de la crise politique en République Centrafricaine. En effet, l’arrivée massive de ces réfugiés a augmenté la pression sur l’environnement, la demande croissante du bois-énergie constituant l’une des causes. Il va sans dire que le paysage dans lequel se déroulent aussi bien les activités des autochtones que celles des étrangers, finit par se dégrader de manière profonde.

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  • Fortalecer los derechos sobre la tierra de las mujeres para mejorar la resiliencia al cambio climático, señalan expertos

Fortalecer los derechos sobre la tierra de las mujeres para mejorar la resiliencia al cambio climático, señalan expertos

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En todo el mundo, menos del 15 % de los propietarios de tierras son mujeres, una disparidad que tiene importantes consecuencias para el estado y bienestar general de mujeres, niños y sus comunidades. Sumado a ello, esta realidad dificulta los esfuerzos para desarrollar resiliencia frente al cambio climático, destacaron los delegados de una mesa redonda que tuvo lugar en la cumbre climática COP26 de la ONU en Glasgow.

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  • Scientists urge action as Gambian livestock grazing puts forests at risk

Scientists urge action as Gambian livestock grazing puts forests at risk

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Herders moving within Gambia and across the country’s borders into Senegal in search of pasture inadvertently threaten forests and the soil landscape in the country. If left unchecked, this activity could have lasting implications for ecosystems.

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