Science and territories: what synergies to protect against the effects of climate change?
As science continues to acquire new knowledge about climate change and its impacts, establishing alarming findings and scenarios, its consideration by decision-makers and local actors remains weak in light of the issues at stake. This series of side-events proposes a collective reflection aimed at reinforcing the impact of Science on decision makers at the territorial level, around the following questions:
- How to promote the dialogue between scientists and territorial actors to better understand the complexity of the issues related to climate change
- What steps should be taken to co-build solutions adapted to local contexts?
- What devices to deploy to support decision?
These events will draw on examples of adaptation solutions, decision support tools and national strategies deployed in West Africa, South America, the Mediterranean and France, and co-constructed with research from South and North. The researchers’ words will be shared with those of the actors and decision makers from these territories to feed this debate.
Source: CIRAD