23 Jun 2021 | 16:45 - 18:15 |
Theme 5: Assessing benefits of landscape restoration
(Peter Minang + Chris Kettle + GUO Yufu)
- Development of Pilot Sites for the Implementation of United Nations Forest Instrument in China
GUO Yufu – National Forestry and Grassland Administration, China - The Economics of Ecosystem Restoration (TEER) initiative
Nathanaël Pingault – CIFOR/FTA - Diversity Bears Fruit: Evaluating the Economic Potential of Undervalued Fruits for an Agroecological Restoration Approach in the Peruvian Amazon
Elisabeth Lagneaux – Plant Production Systems Group, Wageningen University - Toward sustainable revegetation in the Loess Plateau using coupled water and carbon management
ZHAO Fubo – Department of Earth & Environmental Science, Xi’an Jiaotong University, China - Super power for Robinia pseudoacacia to well grow on the bare rock slope created by bacteria
ZHUANG Jiayao – Nanjing Forestry University - Leguminous shrub-based evergreen energy systems for carbon drawdown and biodiversity conservation
Dennis Garrity – Global EverGreening Alliance + ICRAF
Theme 6: Trees for a circular green economy
(Chris Martius + Michael Brady + Yanxia Li + Peter Mortimer)
- Reviewing the worlds edible mushrooms
Peter Mortimer -KIB - Alleviating forest degradation in mountain landscapes: making use of mushroom cultivation for rural development
Asanka Bandara – KIB - Establishment of Rattan Plantations
Rene Kaam – INBAR - Tree and bamboo-based circular bioeconomy for alternative biomass energy: Charcoal briquettes as a cleaner biomass energy solution
Mary Njenga -ICRAF - Feed utilization and industrial development prospect of woody plants in China
ZHANG Yanping – Research Institute of Resources Insects, CAF - 6.5 Million Ha of Natural Forest In East Kalimantan, Indonesia for Nature Capital of Green Growth Development through Emission Reduction Program
Wayan Susi Dharmawan – Forest Research and Development Center, Ministry of Environment and Forestry, Indonesia