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How does MELIA work?
The MELIA system comprises:
A framework for ensuring “quality of research for development” (QoR4D) in its four dimensions within the program, given the mandate of FTA, the function of the different tools developed, and respective duties and responsibilities of the different structures and institutions involved.
Program-level theories of change (ToC) that articulate the hypothesized relationships between FTA’s research, engagement and capacity development and intended results (outcomes and impacts). These are presented in narrative and diagrammatic forms to illustrate and explain how FTA works within “impact pathways”, from outputs (i.e. elements in the sphere of control of the program) to outcomes (in the sphere of influence of the program) in a way that will contribute to positive development impacts (in our sphere of interest).
Specific, testable ToC at activity/cluster of activity (CoA) level, which can be monitored and evaluated using outcome evaluation.
A suite of tools and approaches for foresight modelling and ex ante impact assessment, research planning, monitoring progress, program evaluation, outcome evaluation and ex post impact assessment.
A program information database that records data on outputs, partnerships, engagement, expected outcomes and associated impacts.

Theory of change
A theory of change (ToC) is an explicit articulation of the hypothesized relationships between initiative strategies (the intervention) and intended results (outcomes and impacts), presented as a narrative and/or diagram that illustrates and explains the results chain from project-level activities through outputs, outcomes and impact.

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