Data in brief on inter-row rainwater harvest and fertilizer application on yield of maize and pigeon-pea cropping systems in sub humid tropics

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Data in this article presents rainfall variability in the season and between seasons, yield of maize (Zea mays cv. TMV1) and pigeon-pea (Cajanus cajan cv. Babati White) under sole crop and intercropping. Yield of maize and pigeon-pea is analyzed under inter-row rainwater harvesting practices and fertilizer application in the field. Sole cropping and intercropping biological and/or economic yield are used to determine land use efficiency through land equivalent ratio. Comparisons between sites and seasons are done using a T-test.
Authors: Saidia, P.S.; Asch, F.; Kimaro, A.A.; Germer, J.; Kahimba, F.C.; Graef, F.; Semoka, J.M.; Rweyemamu, C.L.
Subjects: soil management, fertilizer, crop systems, data
Publication type: Evaluation report, ISI, Journal Article, Publication
Year: 2019
ISSN: 2352-3409

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