Main findings of the Global Comparative Study on Tenure in Uganda

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Since the adoption of the 2003 National Forestry and Tree Planting Act (NFTPA) in Uganda, there have been only a few assessments of how forest tenure reform is progressing. Here we present the key findings of research undertaken as part of the Global Comparative Study (GSC) on Forest Tenure Reform in Uganda, which complements the work that has been done by generating lessons and insights for policy and practice, primarily by:
  1. examining how forest tenure reforms emerge, while documenting experiences and options for formally enhancing the security tenure rights for forest-adjacent communities
  2. identifying tenure reform impacts on the rights of women, poor men and ethnic minorities, and their access to forests and trees
  3. identifying factors that hinder support for reforms and their implementation
  4. disseminating lessons learned and knowledge generated at district, national, regional and international levels.
Authors: Mwangi, E.
Subjects: tenure systems, community forestry
Publication type: Flyer, Publication
Year: 2020

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