Field guide to Adaptive Collaborative Management and improving women's participation

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  • Adaptive Collaborative Management (ACM) is a transformative problem-solving and management approach to learn and act collectively to systematically adapt to change and improve management outcomes.
  • Women are crucial actors in forest management, yet their involvement in decision making has not kept pace with reforms in broader political and economic systems.
  • This manual specifically addresses how to encourage the broader participation of women in decision making through ACM.
  • We include practical guidance and examples of how to apply ACM methods in communities and how to teach those methods to others.
  • We present an overview of ACM concepts, suggested steps and activities, tips, case studies and recommendations of additional resources.
  • The ideas and activities that we present here come from field practitioners and community members who are managing forests, or who want to manage them better.
  • This manual can also be applied to the management of a wide range of natural resources, such as natural forests, planted forests, crops, gardens, water or animals.
Authors: Evans, K.; Larson, A.M.; Mwangi, E.; Cronkleton, P.; Maravanyika, T.; Hernandez, X.; Müller, P.; Pikitle, A.; Marchena, R.; Mukasa, C.; Tibazalika, A.; Banana, A.Y.
Subjects: women's participation, guide books, manual
Publication type: Book-R, Publication
Year: 2014

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