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Paris Agreement disagreement; landscape restoration “overlooked,” misinterpreted, blocked

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The Bonn Challenge seeks to restore 350 million hectares of forest, an area larger than India, by 2030- in a bid to curb climate change and restore degraded lands. Though governments have set ambitious plans to meet targets, scientists reveal that the types of restoration activities are not enough to keep within the 1.5℃ climate goal, as featured in The Conservation. Out of the countries that have declared action, two thirds of the pledged area’s activities have been outlined: 45 percent having been designated for plantations of a single tree species; 21 percent for agroforestry and 34 percent for restoring natural forest. The research, originally published in the journal, Nature, shows natural forest to hold 40 times more carbon than plantations and six times more than agroforestry. With nearly half of the pledged forest restoration efforts set to become commercial tree plantations, scientists say it will seriously reduce carbon uptake potential.

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