The UN page for the International Day of Rural Women states that
Rural women, the majority of whom depend on natural resources and agriculture for their livelihoods, make up over a quarter of the total world population. In developing countries, rural women represent approximately 43 per cent of the agricultural labour force, and produce, process and prepare much of the food available, thereby giving them primary responsibility for food security.
Bearing in mind that 76 per cent of the extreme poor live in rural areas, ensuring rural women’s access to productive agricultural resources contributes to decreasing world hunger and poverty, and make rural women critical for the success of the new Sustainable Development agenda for 2030.
As the Gender team of the CGIAR Research Program on Forests, Trees and Agroforestry is gearing up for its next newsletter, we encourage all FTA researchers to send us stories with a gender theme or angle.
You can write to Ana Maria Paez-Valencia at
Check out our previous gender newsletter here