Goals and objectives

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The gender strategy establishes four clusters of outcomes that cut across CRP-FTATA’s five research themes: (1) reflecting knowledge, preferences and priorities of women (and men) across relevant decision chains, (2) identifying and mitigating the differential effects of policy processes on men and women, (3) accounting for differential capacities to adopt materials, methods and knowledge during interventions, and (4) enhancing the equitable participation in and influence over decision-making processes.

CRP-FTATA is designed to make a significant contribution toward the vision and strategic objectives articulated in the CGIAR’s Strategic Results Framework by:

  • enhancing the contribution of forests, agroforestry and trees to production and incomes of forest-dependent communities and smallholders;
  • conserving biodiversity, including the genetic diversity of trees, through sustainable management and conservation of forests and trees;
  • maintaining or enhancing environmental services from forests, agroforestry and trees in multifunctional and dynamic landscapes;
  • reducing emissions of greenhouse gases and augmenting carbon stocks through better management of forest- and tree-based sources while increasing local and societal resilience through forest-, agroforestry- and tree-based adaptation measures; and
  • promoting the positive impacts and reducing the negative impacts of global trade and investment as drivers of landscape change affecting forest lands, agroforestry areas, trees and the well-being of local people.

Gender analysis and research in the CRP-FTA seek to:

  • generate an understanding of key institutional, cultural and attitudinal contexts that entrench inequity across a relevant set of issue areas in the CRP-FTA research components, for example, adoption of technologies and practices, or participation and influence in decision making or knowledge and priorities;
  • identify policies, technologies and practices that will enhance gender equity in the access, use and management of forests and trees, and the distribution of associated benefits; and
  • offer guidance on how to avoid or mitigate negative impacts associated with relevant processes at multiple levels.


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