
The FTA data portal provides access to a wealth of datasets and maps generated through FTA research. Its part of our commitment to advancing knowledge on, and decision-making for, forest, trees, and agroforestry.

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type="checkbox" name="flagship[]" value="Flagship%201">
Flagship 1: Tree genetic resources to bridge production gaps and promote resilience
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type="checkbox" name="flagship[]" value="Flagship%202">
Flagship 2: Enhancing how trees and forests contribute to smallholder livelihoods
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type="checkbox" name="flagship[]" value="Flagship%203">
Flagship 3: Sustainable value chains and investments to support forest conservation and equitable development
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type="checkbox" name="flagship[]" value="Flagship%204">
Flagship 4: Landscape dynamics, productivity and resilience
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type="checkbox" name="flagship[]" value="Flagship%205">
Flagship 5: Forests, trees and agroforestry for climate change adaptation and mitigation
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type="checkbox" name="crossCutting[]" value="Gender">
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type="checkbox" name="crossCutting[]" value="Melia">
Monitoring, evaluation, learning and impact assessment (MELIA)
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type="checkbox" name="crossCutting[]" value="Capacity">
Capacity development
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type="checkbox" name="priority[]" value="Restoration">
Notice: Undefined variable: checked in /home/ft2025user/ on line 185
type="checkbox" name="priority[]" value="Plantations%20and%20tree%20crop%20commodities">
Plantations and tree crop commodities
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type="checkbox" name="priority[]" value="Enhanced%20nutrition%20and%20food%20security">
Enhanced nutrition and food security
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type="checkbox" name="priority[]" value="Biodiversity,%20safeguarding%20and%20conservation">
Biodiversity, safeguarding and conservation
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type="checkbox" name="priority[]" value="NDCs%20(Nationally%20Determined%20Contributions%20of%20the%20Paris%20Agreement%20on%20Climate%20Change)">
Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs)
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type="checkbox" name="priority[]" value="Bioenergy">
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type="checkbox" name="priority[]" value="Blue%20carbon%20and%20peatlands">
Blue carbon and peatlands
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type="checkbox" name="priority[]" value="Climate%20change%20adaptation">
Climate change adaptation
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type="checkbox" name="priority[]" value="Landscape%20governance">
Landscape governance
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type="checkbox" name="priority[]" value="Gender%20equitable%20outcome">
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type="checkbox" name="priority[]" value="Silvopastoral%20systems">
Silvopastoral systems
Notice: Undefined variable: checked in /home/ft2025user/ on line 185
type="checkbox" name="priority[]" value="Market-based%20agroforestry-forestry">
Market-based agroforestry-forestry
Notice: Undefined variable: checked in /home/ft2025user/ on line 185
type="checkbox" name="priority[]" value="Farm-forest%20policy%20interface">
Farm-forest policy interface
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type="checkbox" name="priority[]" value="Agroecology">
Notice: Undefined variable: checked in /home/ft2025user/ on line 185
type="checkbox" name="priority[]" value="Livelihood%20trajectory%20modelling%20and%20assessment">
Livelihood trajectory modelling and assessment
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type="checkbox" name="priority[]" value="Inclusive%20finance%20and%20business%20models">
Inclusive finance and business models
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type="checkbox" name="priority[]" value="Innovating%20finance%20for%20sustainable%20landscapes">
Innovating finance for sustainable landscapes
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type="checkbox" name="priority[]" value="Public%20and%20private%20commitments%20to%20zero%20deforestation">
Public and private commitments to zero deforestation
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type="checkbox" name="priority[]" value="Orphan%20crops">
Orphan tree crops
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type="checkbox" name="priority[]" value="Effectiveness%20of%20approaches%20to%20sustainable%20supply%20(certification,%20FLEGT)">
Effectiveness of approaches to sustainable supply
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type="checkbox" name="priority[]" value="Quality%20of%20Research%20Development">
Quality of FTA research for development
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type="checkbox" name="priority[]" value="Sentinel%20landscapes">
Sentinel landscapes
Displaying 181 - 192 of 192
Vegetation type in Para state, Brazil

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Vegetation type in Para state, Brazil
West Africa Sentinel Landscape major climatic zones, the are covers Ghana, Mali and Burkina Faso

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West Africa Sentinel Landscape major climatic zones, the are covers Ghana, Mali and Burkina Faso
West African Sentinel Landscape Selected survey points.

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West African Sentinel Landscape Selected survey points.
This is the boundary of the Western Amazon sentinel landscape

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This is the boundary of the Western Amazon sentinel landscape
Western Ghats Sentinel Landscape Boundary

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Western Ghats Sentinel Landscape Boundary
Western Ghats Sentinal landscape boundaries. 4 districts: kodagu, wayanad, nilgiris, chamrajnagar. Year: 1997

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Western Ghats Sentinal landscape boundaries. 4 districts: kodagu, wayanad, nilgiris, chamrajnagar. Year: 1997

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