Welcome to the first newsletter of the CRP-FTA overarching gender theme! This newsletter aims at sharing with you some of the activities we conducted in the past six months, the partnerships we are building and strengthening, and the knowledge we are generating jointly. We plan to produce it twice a year, possibly more if there is enough material (so don’t hesitate to communicate your good work!). Let us know if you are interested by any of the activities mentioned in this newsletter, and feel free to share with us any gender-focused resources, tools or information you may have. Feedback on the newsletter is also welcome.
Robert Nasi
Director, CGIAR Research Program on Forests, Trees and Agroforestry
This two-day learning workshop aims to share experiences and document gender disparities in access to forests, trees, and farmland for marginalized groups in Latin America. The workshop will be convened by the International Center for Tropical Agriculture (CIAT) under the CRP-FTA Gender Program. Abstracts are accepted until 30 July 2013. Read more
This workshop brought together experts from the research, policy and practice communities. Participants discussed methods for enhancing gender integration into research and practice in the forestry and agroforestry sectors. They debated the advantages and risks of diverse methods as well as opportunities for fostering gender responsiveness in policy and practice to improve gender equality. Read more
The World Agroforestry Centre (ICRAF) organized a two-day gender crosscutting annual planning meeting and concept note write-shop during 10–12 November in New Delhi, India. The event, which the ICRAF South Asia office hosted, had the following objectives: to prepare the annual workplan for CRP-FTA gender crosscutting work; to develop concept notes for research on gender crosscutting themes within CRP-FTA; and to share research experiences and methods in gender-based research. Read more
During the inception workshop of Bioversity’s Gender Research Fellowship Programme, 22 social and biophysical scientists discussed the question: what does gender have to do with research on forest genetic resources and biodiversity? The workshop was co-organized with the Centre for Anthropology and Gender Studies of the University of Freiburg, and was held in Kuching, Malaysia. Read more
Two panels dedicated to exploring research on gender and forest governance were led by the Center for International Forestry Research (CIFOR) at the 14th Congress on the International Association of Commons, in Japan, on 2–7 June. Dr. Anne Larson and colleagues shared methodologies and preliminary findings of a multi-year study on gender dimensions of women’s participation in forests. Yen Mai chaired a session on methods and approaches for analyzing the gender differences in access, rights, usage and management forests and tree products. Read more
Gender analysis methods training, 13–14 June 2013, Bohol, Philippines
The training focused on two methods that were used to analyze gendered land use decision-making: agent-based modeling and role-play games. Dr. Grace Villamor, a postdoctoral fellow from ICRAF and Bonn University, conducted the training.
Workshop to develop project-level gender indicators, 15–16 June 2013, Bohol, Philippines
Facilitated by Dr. Maria Elena Javier, Gender Consultant, the workshop aimed to develop gender indicators that can be adopted across projects and research activities to achieve gender equity.
Write-shop to develop a user guide of selected gender analysis methods and tools, 17–19 June 2013, Bohol, Philippines
Through the write-shop, 12 authors and peer reviewers from ICRAF developed a portfolio of methods used in gender analysis into a practical ‘user guide’. The International Institute for Rural Reconstruction facilitated the write-shop.
The CRP-FTA gender team organized a two-day workshop to ensure that gender is effectively integrated into the sentinel landscapes crosscutting theme. Participants included CRP-FTA scientists from CIFOR, Bioversity and ICRAF, as well as national partners from the different sentinel landscapes teams and CRP-FTA value chain researchers. Workshop materials are currently being processed and will be available in the CRP-FTA site’s events section. Read more
Bioversity’s Forest Genetic Resources Programme organized a five-day gender and participatory research workshop from 8–12 July 2013 in Yaoundé, Cameroon. Workshop participants included CRP-FTA researchers from Bioversity, CIFOR and ICRAF who are working within the region, as well as national partners. The workshop was co-organized with the International Support Group. Read more
Current activities
Bioversity International
In an effort to integrate gender considerations within its research on forest genetic resources, Bioversity International’s Forest Genetic Resources Programme has launched a one-year Gender Research Fellowship Programme that brings together five fellows from countries in Sub-Saharan Africa, Central Asia, and South and Southeast Asia, as well as national partners. Fellows will study distinctions in women’s and men’s ecological knowledge, access to forest resources, and access to markets for non-timber forest products, among other themes, across regional contexts. The knowledge generated will help develop more effective and equitable resource conservation and management opportunities.
Center for International Forestry Research
CIFOR hosted the CRP-FTA gender integration in sentinel landscapes workshop on 1–2 July 2013 in Bogor, Indonesia. Sentinel landscapes are composed of six long-term monitoring sites across the world. The major objective of the workshop was to discuss, develop and finalize the major research questions, hypotheses, and methods for integrating gender in the core and add-on module of the sentinel landscapes. Gender analysis of the value chains of key products (such as oil palm, charcoal, and other non-timber forest products) were developed for the add-on module. Participants included sentinel landscapes, gender and value chain of forestry and agroforestry researchers and practitioners from around the world, and representatives of governmental and non-governmental partners.
CIFOR is compiling a database of researchers and practitioners working on gender and natural resource governance issues in order to develop and strengthen links to advocacy networks and platforms, gender-oriented civil society, national universities, and national and international research institutes.
A multi-year research project on gender and land tenure in Nicaragua and Uganda, led by CIFOR scientists Esther Mwangi and Anne Larson, is empowering local researchers and practitioners to carry out gender responsive research and disseminate findings. Our project partners for this work are AUPWAE and NITLAPAN.
CIFOR scientists and publications are consulted frequently to provide gender-related advice and support. For example, CIFOR scientists and associates contributed extensively to the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization’s background paper on gender and food security. At the request of Indonesia’s Forestry Research and Development Agency, CIFOR scientist Linda Yuliani carried out training on gender research methods on 20 May. Nepal’s Care International is in the process of translating one of CIFOR’s publications (Integrating gender in forestry research) into Nepali language.
International Center for Tropical Agriculture
CIAT has produced several gender-related blogs:
March 2013: India’s forest tenure reform: engendering women’s citizenship
March 2013: Forests for People workshop
April 2013: Quinoa: a supermom of all grains for Quechua women
May 2013: Gendered access to trees and forests in Uganda and India
World Agroforestry Centre
In collaboration with University of Calgary researchers, ICRAF launched a pilot research project in the villages around the core and buffer area of Ba Be National Park in Bac Kan province of Vietnam, as part of the research theme on landscape management for environmental services, biodiversity conservation and livelihood. This research aimed to identify the concerns and priorities of local communities regarding the development of locally acceptable REDD+ plans, and to pilot the development of inclusive, consultative processes of deliberation and decision making, that involve various stakeholders, particularly marginalized groups.
Selected global partners and websites
Contact us
For more information about the CRP-FTA gender program, please visit our website or contact us directly:
Esther Mwangi
Program coordinator
Center for International Forestry Research
Jl. CIFOR, Situ Gede, Sindang Barang
Bogor Barat 16115
Email: e.mwangi@cgiar.org
Bimbika Sijapati Basnett
Center for International Forestry Research
Jl. CIFOR, Situ Gede, Sindang Barang
Bogor Barat, 16115
Email: b.basnett@cgiar.org
Marlène Elias
Bioversity International
PO Box 236
UPM Post Office, Serdang
43400 Selangor Darul Ehsan
Email: marlene.elias@cgiar.org
Purabi Bose
International Center for Tropical Agriculture
A.A. 6713, Cali, 4450032
Email: p.bose@cgiar.org
Delia Catacutan
World Agroforestry Centre
No.8 Lot 13A, Trung Hoa road, Cau Giay District, Hanoi
Email: d.c.catacutan@cgiar.org
Mamta Vardhan
University of Calgary
Institute of Sustainable Energy, Environment and Economy
Email: mvardhan@ucalgary.ca
For subscription and questions about the newsletter, please contact Yen Mai at m.hoangyen@cgiar.org.