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  • Boost funding and strategically align incentives with climate goals to save forests

Boost funding and strategically align incentives with climate goals to save forests

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Forests are under massive threat worldwide, planet warming emissions are trending upward and, despite their essential role and potential, governments have yet to deliver on international climate change and financing targets, according to a new report.

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  • Reducing deforestation and forest degradation, and conservation of Forests at the Green Climate Fund. Too much, too little, or just enough?

Reducing deforestation and forest degradation, and conservation of Forests at the Green Climate Fund. Too much, too little, or just enough?

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The Green Climate Fund (GCF) has in recent years emerged as an important financial mechanism for funding REDD+ (Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and forest Degradation) and has put in place a system for results-based payments for forest related emissions reductions.

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  • Understanding forest change in Tanzania opens door for improved management

Understanding forest change in Tanzania opens door for improved management

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Can Tanzania’s tropical forests and miombo woodlands be managed sustainably while still supporting human populations? The findings of a collaborative study on the local drivers of the live matter from trees and shrubs found above ground could be a first step toward making better management decisions about forests that are frequently cut for woodfuel or converted for agriculture.

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  • 2021 International Day of Forests - interviews to Julia Wolf and Alexandre Meybeck

2021 International Day of Forests – interviews to Julia Wolf and Alexandre Meybeck

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FTA communications

On 21 March 2021 we celebrate the International Day of Forests!

Co-publication between FAO and FTA [PDF]
For this occasion we interviewed Julia Wolf (FAO) and Alexandre Meybeck (FTA), lead authors of the recently published co-publication “Addressing forestry and agroforestry in National Adaptation Plans: Supplementary guidelines”, a report that provides specific guidance for national adaptation planning in the forestry sector. These guidelines are intended to be used by national planners and decision–makers working on climate change issues in developing countries and authorities and experts who are contributing to climate change adaptation and NAP formulation and implementation. From the introduction of the report:

These supplementary guidelines therefore aim to:

    1. show the need for adaptation of forests and trees;
    2. show the importance of forests and trees for adaptation; show the need to appropriately integrate forest and trees in the NAP process;
    3. support NAP practitioners in integrating the management of forest and trees in NAPs;
    4. support actors in the forestry and agriculture sectors in their engagement and contribution to the process, at national, economy wide level, and both locally and in their sector/value chain; and
    5. trigger and facilitate a forward-looking intersectoral policy dialogue that fully integrates forests and trees in adaptation planning of all sectors.

The interviews touch upon the reasons why FAO and FTA decided to issue these guidelines, whom they are addressing, while also discussing some of the examples in the report. The potential of trees and forests to adapt to climate change and at the same time help other sectors, especially vulnerable systems, is one of the core elements of this publication.

This report was also recently presented at the 7th Asia-Pacific Adaptation Forum (APAN) and is now also available in Spanish. French and Arabic are forthcoming.

A full transcript of the interviews will be available in the next days.

Julia Wolf’s interview

Alexandre Meybeck’s interview

This article was produced by the CGIAR Research Program on Forests, Trees and Agroforestry (FTA). FTA is the world’s largest research for development program to enhance the role of forests, trees and agroforestry in sustainable development and food security and to address climate change. CIFOR leads FTA in partnership with ICRAF, the Alliance of Bioversity International and CIAT, CATIE, CIRAD, INBAR and TBI. FTA’s work is supported by the CGIAR Trust Fund.

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  • Un nouvel élan pour la préservation des zones humides du bassin du Congo

Un nouvel élan pour la préservation des zones humides du bassin du Congo

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Il y a environ cinq ans, des scientifiques ont découvert dans le bassin du Congo une immense étendue de tourbières bien plus vaste que prévu. Au total, 30 milliards de tonnes de carbone furent cartographiées, confirmant le rôle de premier plan joué par la région dans l’atténuation du changement climatique. La tourbe recouvre un peu plus de 4 pour cent de la surface boisée du bassin et s’étire sur la République du Congo et la République démocratique du Congo. Pour mieux saisir l’ordre de grandeur, elle séquestre l’équivalent du carbone aérien contenu dans les arbres des 96 pour cent restants.

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  • Q+A: Scientists shape sustainable wetland activities in vast Congo Basin

Q+A: Scientists shape sustainable wetland activities in vast Congo Basin

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About five years ago, scientists discovered that a large tract of peatlands in the Congo Basin was much bigger than previously thought. In total, 30 billion tonnes of carbon were mapped, making evident the massive contribution the region makes to climate change mitigation. The peat extends over about 4 percent of the basin’s forested area, spanning the Republic of Congo and Democratic Republic of Congo. Significantly, it stores an equivalent amount of carbon as the aboveground trees in the remaining 96 percent of the Congo basin forest region. This impressive revelation was surprising and disruptive at the same time both within and outside the science community, according to Denis Sonwa.

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  • Una evaluación profunda de los enfoques jurisdiccionales para la gestión forestal sostenible

Una evaluación profunda de los enfoques jurisdiccionales para la gestión forestal sostenible

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La adopción de un enfoque jurisdiccional para la gestión sostenible de los bosques y paisajes en los trópicos es considerada cada vez más como uno de los métodos más eficaces para la conservación de ecosistemas productivos y el apoyo a los medios de vida en los círculos forestales y de desarrollo.

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  • Taking stock of jurisdictional approaches to sustainable forest management

Taking stock of jurisdictional approaches to sustainable forest management

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A series of nine research papers curated by scientists with the Climate Change, Energy and Low-Carbon Development Team at the Center for International Forestry Research (CIFOR), the Earth Innovation Institute and other collaborators for Frontiers, detail various perspectives on jurisdictional approaches at the subnational level, offering insights into their capacity to effect change, and ideas about their level of influence.

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  • Menurut Para Ilmuwan, Kebakaran Lahan Gambut di Indonesia Dapat Diprediksi Menggunakan Pendekatan Evaluasi Baru

Menurut Para Ilmuwan, Kebakaran Lahan Gambut di Indonesia Dapat Diprediksi Menggunakan Pendekatan Evaluasi Baru

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Menurut para ilmuwan, kebakaran lahan gambut Indonesia dapat dijelaskan secara lebih baik melalui pendekatan yang baru dikembangkan dengan mempertimbangkan dampak-dampak perubahan iklim dan membantu memprediksi titik-titik panas emisi karbon dan polusi udara dari pembakaran gambut.

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  • Cinq choses à connaître sur les briquettes de biomasse et la bioénergie durable en Afrique

Cinq choses à connaître sur les briquettes de biomasse et la bioénergie durable en Afrique

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La majorité des africains dépendent du bois pour cuisiner et se chauffer en raison de son prix abordable, de son accessibilité et de sa polyvalence pour répondre à leurs besoins. Toutefois, s’il constitue un moyen peu coûteux pour cuisiner, chauffer les habitats et alimenter les activités industrielles, une part importante du bois est obtenue de manière non durable, contribuant ainsi à la déforestation et la dégradation des sols. De plus, le bois est souvent brûlé dans des appareils inefficaces, dégageant des émanations nocives pour la santé et pour l’environnement.

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  • Wildfires in Siberia are predictable through wind speed trends, analysis shows

Wildfires in Siberia are predictable through wind speed trends, analysis shows

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Active blazes in the lower Amur River basin of the Khabarovsk region, which is prone to wildfire activity, can be forecast several days in advance by following warm air movements based on daily temperature maps. Since most hotspot peak days occurred when the wind velocity exceeded 30 kilometers per hour, weather forecasters could issue a high-wind warning in order to help prevent active wildland fires.

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  • Peatland fires in Indonesia can be predicted by new evaluation approach, study finds

Peatland fires in Indonesia can be predicted by new evaluation approach, study finds

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Indonesia’s peatland fires are better explained by a newly developed approach that considers climate-change impacts and helps predict hotspots of carbon emissions and air pollution from the burning of peat, according to scientists.

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  • Boreal forest fires can be forecast by monitoring warm and dry air masses, study finds

Boreal forest fires can be forecast by monitoring warm and dry air masses, study finds

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Forests in eastern Siberia and Alaska are prone to widespread fires when warm and dry air masses from lower latitudes enter beneath high-pressure systems, presenting additional indicators for meteorologists to predict boreal blazes, scientists say.

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  • Pongamia: Manfaat-Manfaat Potensial untuk Restorasi dan Bioenergi di Indonesia

Pongamia: Manfaat-Manfaat Potensial untuk Restorasi dan Bioenergi di Indonesia

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Pongamia pinnata adalah jenis pohon polong-polongan yang tumbuh cepat dan berkanopi lebar dan merupakan anggota dari famili kacang polong, yang tumbuh setinggi sekitar 15 hingga 20 meter (50 hingga 65 kaki) dan secara tradisional digunakan sebagai kayu bakar, pakan ternak, naungan, dan untuk pengayaan tanah. Bijinya yang berwarna coklat kemerahan yang tumbuh di polong coklat tua dapat menghasilkan minyak berwarna oranye saat ditekan, dan telah dimanfaatkan selama berabad-abad dalam proses-proses seperti penyamakan kulit dan pembuatan sabun; sebagai pelumas; dan secara medis sebagai salah satu bahan untuk mengobati penyakit kulit dan hati.

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  • Cómo integrar a los bosques, árboles y agroforestería en la adaptación al cambio climático

Cómo integrar a los bosques, árboles y agroforestería en la adaptación al cambio climático

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El potencial de los bosques y los árboles para mitigar el calentamiento global ha estado por mucho tiempo en el centro de las discusiones sobre el cambio climático. Pero hoy, los bosques –y los medios de vida de 1,6 mil millones de personas que dependen de ellos– están gravemente amenazados por los cambios en la temperatura y las precipitaciones, las tormentas, plagas e incendios cada vez más frecuentes e intensos. Y es un hecho que la habilidad de los bosques y los árboles para adaptarse a estos impactos influirá también en su capacidad para mitigar el cambio climático.

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