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  • COVID-19 makes it harder for charcoal producers and traders to make ends meet

COVID-19 makes it harder for charcoal producers and traders to make ends meet

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In Kisangani — Democratic Republic of Congo’s third-largest city — COVID-19 has had an impact on the charcoal industry that its more than 1.8 million inhabitants rely on to meet their daily energy needs, putting forests at greater risk.

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  • Lessons from Zambia on promoting sustainable wood fuel management

Lessons from Zambia on promoting sustainable wood fuel management

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In Zambia, around 90 percent of domestic energy derives from wood fuel in both urban and rural areas. But with demand rising, protecting woodland areas in forest reserves and open lands through more sustainable sourcing is becoming more critical than ever, scientists say.

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  • OPAL Project: Shaping pathways toward sustainable palm oil production

OPAL Project: Shaping pathways toward sustainable palm oil production

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When the Swiss government called a referendum in March this year over whether to sign a free trade agreement with Indonesia that would abolish tariffs on industrial products, palm oil — of which the Southeast Asian nation is the world’s largest producer and exporter — was in the hot seat.

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  • Not clear cut: Scientists and journalists pursue a nuanced perspective on palm oil

Not clear cut: Scientists and journalists pursue a nuanced perspective on palm oil

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Palm oil has long been a polarizing topic in national and international media – frequently painted either as a critical source of low-cost vegetable oil and a godsend to numerous tropical economies; or as a dangerous force of deforestation, pollution, labor exploitation, cultural and biodiversity decline.

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  • Wrong way to chocolate: Turn back now

Wrong way to chocolate: Turn back now

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At a recent gathering of leading researchers and practitioners in the cocoa sector, main topics of discussion included the continuing encroachment of “full sun” cocoa monoculture systems on tropical forests and the fact that fewer areas conducive for growing cocoa exist due to changing climate and rainfall patterns.

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  • RDC : Des femmes entrepreneures récupèrent les déchets de bois pour produire du makala vert

RDC : Des femmes entrepreneures récupèrent les déchets de bois pour produire du makala vert

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Depuis près de dix ans, Fatouma Otoke dirige une micro-entreprise qui récupère les déchets de bois pour produire du charbon écologique. Son objectif est de fournir aux habitants de Kisangani, le troisième plus grand centre urbain de la République démocratique du Congo (RDC), une option durable pour la cuisson de leurs repas.

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  • Women entrepreneurs in DRC recover waste wood to produce clean cooking fuel

Women entrepreneurs in DRC recover waste wood to produce clean cooking fuel

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For almost a decade, Fatouma Otoke has been running a small business that recovers waste wood for charcoal production. Her aim is to supply the dwellers of Kisangani – the Democratic Republic of the Congo’s third largest urban center – with a sustainable wood fuel alternative to cook their meals.

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  • Un juego de mesa puede ayudar a la gestión de conflictos en la cuenca de Orinoco

Un juego de mesa puede ayudar a la gestión de conflictos en la cuenca de Orinoco

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La cuenca a la que se refiere Cammaert es la cuenca del Orinoco, que se extiende por la zona oriental de Colombia y la mayor parte de la vecina Venezuela. El Cravo Sur es uno de los muchos afluentes que desembocan en ella. Pero este río no solo sustenta la sabana y la vida silvestre que allí vive.

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  • Navigating conflicts in La Cuenca

Navigating conflicts in La Cuenca

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That basin is the Orinoco Basin which covers eastern Colombia and most of neighboring Venezuela. Cravo Sur is one of many tributaries that drains into it. But the river supports not just the savanna and the wildlife that live there.

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  • On the road to sustainable palm oil production in Cameroon

On the road to sustainable palm oil production in Cameroon

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Although Cameroon, the largest palm oil producer in Central Africa, produced more than 450,000 tons in 2020, it still imports about 130,000 tons a year to meet its domestic demand. Most of the imported palm oil comes from Indonesia, Malaysia and Gabon. For several years, Cameroon has been faced with a dilemma: boosting productivity without jeopardizing sustainably.

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  • Reducing haze and protecting peatlands in the digital age

Reducing haze and protecting peatlands in the digital age

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At a recent workshop, 83 key stakeholders gathered with “Measurable Action for Haze-Free Sustainable Land Management in Southeast Asia” (MAHFSA) partners for a virtual workshop to explore and verify priorities for capacity-building and knowledge-product development on reducing haze and protecting peatlands across Southeast Asia.

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  • Why almost half the global population lacks clean and sustainable energy for cooking

Why almost half the global population lacks clean and sustainable energy for cooking

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From stoves to open fires, gas to electric cookers and everything in between: what families cook on — and why — around the world is no straightforward issue. Multiple cultural values and preferences are driving factors behind cooking choices – including income level, age, availability of fuel, gender, price and efficiency, a new World Bank report states.

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  • Quelles pistes pour le palmier à huile durable au Cameroun ?

Quelles pistes pour le palmier à huile durable au Cameroun ?

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Bien que premier producteur d’huile de palme en Afrique centrale avec plus de 450 mille tonnes produites en 2020, le Cameroun importe environ 130 mille tonnes d’huile de palme par an pour satisfaire la forte demande nationale. Ses importations d’huile de palme proviennent d’Indonésie, de Malaisie et du Gabon. Depuis plusieurs années, le pays est ainsi confronté au double défi d’augmenter la productivité tout en garantissant un développement durable de la filière palmier à huile.

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  • Wanted: A balanced assessment of the ecological impact of all vegetable oils

Wanted: A balanced assessment of the ecological impact of all vegetable oils

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All too often, bias ingrained into conservationist campaign narratives obfuscates the context in which crops are produced, unjustly vilifying some and celebrating others.

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  • Déforestation au Cameroun : quelles méthodes de détection pour quelles décisions politiques ?

Déforestation au Cameroun : quelles méthodes de détection pour quelles décisions politiques ?

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Dans un rapport publié la semaine dernière portant sur les « Évènements majeurs de déforestation (EMD) 2019 » au Cameroun, on peut lire qu’en 2019 le « taux de déforestation » est estimé à 0.0168% de la superficie totale des forêts du pays, soit environ 3,628 hectares. Ces surfaces déforestées incluent 1,250 hectares perdus à cause de l’exploitation forestière, et environ 2,177 hectares perdus en raison de l’agriculture itinérante.

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